A Bookworm’s Haven Reads and Loves Laura Kaye’s North of Need

Whenever a reviewer shows book love for one of our titles, we’re super thrilled to share our love right back.  Today we’re showing our love for Meaghan over at A Bookworms’s Haven.  Meaghan works in education by day and blogs by night, sharing her passion for reading and books with the blogging world.  Is there anything better than that?

We especially love that Meaghan says she’d “live in my PJs if possible.”  Really, who wouldn’t?  Everyone in the Entangled offices dream of the same thing–and some are actually living the dream.  Shhh…

Meaghan recently read North of Need by our own lovely Laura Kaye and, well, she adored it.  It’s a “a crossover book between fantasy and contemporary and it had just enough of the supernatural to keep me content.” We’re so glad, Meaghan!

She goes on to say, “The mythology in North of Need was fascinating; I remember hearing a little bit about the Anemoi from reading Greek mythology, but I immersed myself back into the subject after reading this book.  Laura peppers the mythology through the book at just the right moments so you get just enough information to follow along with who is who and how gods in this world came to be, but you are not overwhelmed with information.  I appreciated the balance between the mythology and real life relationships that formed throughout this book.”

You can read the full review of North of Need over on A Bookworms’s Haven.



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