The Team: Publicist Danielle Barclay

Today we’re continuing our Quick Question series with Entangled’s publicist Danielle Barclay.

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Q: One thing that sets Entangled Publishing apart is the fact that every author is assigned a publicist. Tell us what an author can do to promote him/herself.

Danielle: I believe the author’s role in self-promotion is two fold. An author needs to connect with readers where they congregate and also adopt specific social media practices so they remain visible and searchable on the internet. Both things can be accomplished through social media. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter & Goodreads will help an author get their name out there, cause positive chatter, and make them approachable to fans. Social Media for the most part, is a free resource and I believe whether they have a publicist or not, authors need to learn how to use it well.


Q: Tell us about yourself! What do you, as a publicist for EP, bring to the table?


Danielle: I’ve held a variety of jobs over the years, and have raised three children along the way, but I’ve spent most of my career in advertising sales, newspaper publishing & independent consulting roles. I’m an accomplished graphic designer and well versed in media relations, promotional writing and social media environs.

Before partnering with Entangled Publishing I worked as a publicist for the RT BOOKLOVERS’ Convention (sponsored by RT Book Reviews Magazine) for two successful years. I’ve helped hundreds of authors and have gained valuable experience in the field of literary & author public relations.

In this ever changing publishing climate, authors struggle to get their books noticed in the media—it’s a very competitive field right now. I know how to leverage media resources to ensure every novel—from release to backlist—is promoted effectively. I plan a comprehensive release campaign that is centered on blogs & public appearances. I will also pitch an effective message to attract attention from, newspaper, radio, and television personalities.

Q: How do you see an author/publicist relationship working?

Danielle: I see the author/publicist relationship as a partnership. The author’s job is to write fabulous books and I’m here to promote those books! While the author interacts with fans I’ll be in the background providing direction on website effectiveness, author branding, social networking options and working with the media. It’s my role to make sure the author is in the right place to connect with their readers and get them face time with the media so they can tell their story to as many people as possible.


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