SUMMER FESTIVAL: Water with Diana Lloyd

Water has memory. That’s not just a line from Olaf in Frozen 2. There’s a scientific theory that water holds within itself a memory of everything it touches no matter how many times that water is diluted. 

I’ve been drawn to water all my life. I’m not a beach person, I’m a water person. Luckily, I live on a peninsula shaped like a mitten surrounded by the fresh waters of the Great Lakes. No sharks, no salt, no worries. I want to stand in the water, swim in the water, or float on the water in a boat. I’m happy looking at the water or hearing the waves, but you won’t ever find me just lying on a beach.

Being around water makes me feel alive, content, and energized but not anxious.

Currently, one of my favorite summertime water activities is visiting waterfalls. There are over 300 falls of varying sizes here in Michigan. My most recent viewing was Miners Falls along the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. The weather was soft and rainy the day we visited, and we were more than a little soggy by the time we reached the end of the trail. Still worth it. 

While only a 50-foot drop, Miners Falls is one of those special places where the mist from the falls rises and envelops you like a hug. Let the water memorize you.

Miners Falls

Like many creatives, I find water artistically inspiring. I get some of my best ideas for my books while standing in the shower. There’s neuroscience research about the affect water has on the brain whether you’re in it or near it (Blue Mind: The surprising science that shows how being near, in, on, or under water can make you happier, healthier, more connected, and better at what you do, by marine biologist Wallace J. Nichols). One theory is that water puts the brain into a more relaxed state where new ideas and creativity can flow more easily Even the sound of water can help the mind achieve a meditative state where stress falls away allowing inspiration to emerge.

“Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.” -H. Auden


All three books from my What Happens in the Ballroom series contain a scene or two or three that was conceived under a showerhead. By design, all three of my historical romances feature a body of water.

In How to Train Your Baron, crossing Lake Menteith signifies a major change in heroine Elsinore. By crossing that lake instead of running away, she decides to discover the truth and fight for love. 

About an Earl has two sea voyages. The first brings the heroine to the hero, and the second sea voyage highlights Julianna’s decision to choose a life with Oliver rather than retreat to Boston.

The Atlantic Ocean

The English Channel plays a major role in Last Lord Standing, not only as a backdrop for smuggling, but I also wanted heroine Libby to be a water person like me. The ocean invigorates her.

I’m already researching waterfalls in the UK to feature in my next book, Lord of Last Resort.

Lake Superior beside a sandy beach

Looking for ways to fill your summer? I highly recommend a waterfall tour of Michigan. Start with Tahquamenon (the state’s biggest) don’t pass up Sable (the state’s tallest), and the hike to Morgan Falls is part of the fun.

Sable Falls

For those days when sitting by the water listening to the waves is more your vibe, bring a book to read. I recommend a romance.

Always the rogue and never the gentleman, Kerrigan Northam doesn’t worry about anything beyond his own pleasures. But lately, his noble friends have been considering marriage—specifically, the charms (and generous fortune) of the refreshingly pert Lady Olivia Liberty Chalford. Now they want Kerr to keep her from considering any other eligible suitors…by courting her himself!

Libby is averse to the very idea of marriage. Why be auctioned off when she has a far more enticing—if scandalously modern—plan for her future? So when she’s rescued by a wickedly dashing gentleman who claims to be something of a scoundrel, Libby thinks she’s found the perfect partner in crime…

It’s the perfect ruse. Libby gets a secret accomplice and Kerr’s in the uniquely coveted position of being able to kiss the comely, spirited Libby as thoroughly—and as often—as possible. But as their courting charade continues, Kerr’s gone from wondering how long until she discovers his secret…to how long until he’s madly in love with her.


About the Author

Diana Lloyd, mother of gingers, first of her name, is a stay-at-home wife, a hockey mom, and writer of stories with kissing in them. Diana defends her writing time like a rabid goalie while simultaneously volunteering for things she doesn’t really have time for. Diana is a member of Hearts Through History chapter of Romance Writers of America and was a 2017 RWA Golden Heart Finalist. Her Regency romp, HOW TO TRAIN YOUR BARON, the first book in the “What Happens In the Ballroom” series, is scheduled for publication in July 2018.

You can follow Diana on Facebook, Twitter, and check out her website to stay up to date on the latest news.

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