Editor Wish Lists for March 2023

The editors at Entangled Publishing are always looking for the next breakout hit. Could that be your book? Each month, we have a new wish list from our editors. Watch for them as they’ll change monthly. Let’s discover each other today! All submissions can be sent through our Submittable system. The link can be found here: https://entangledpublishing.submittable.com/submit

If you’re looking for a specific editor and don’t see their name here, that means they are closed to submissions this month. Check back next month to see if they’ve reopened!

Amy Acosta, Editor

I’m actively looking for queer YA and NA/Adult diversity-rich speculative fiction stories that contain unlikely casts, big families (related or found), personalities that stand out, worlds struggling with social change/climate issues/inexplicable events, high-stakes adventures, underdogs rising to the occasion, smart and witty voices, and LGBTQ+ rep across the rainbow.

These are the top 3 genres I’d love to work on for 2023-2024, but note that all of these must have queer romance as part of the main plot.

FANTASY: high-concept epicness with pop culture comps (ex. Game of Thrones meets Jurassic Park), amazing yet realistic worldbuilding, queer magical warriors like She-Ra, dragons/royalty but settings other than medieval-ish, flawed or collapsing magic systems

SCIFI: first contact, getting lost in space (maybe not finding a robot but a dragon), going against oppressive organizations, regular queer people rising to leaders, discovery of objects that change the course of history, humanoid queer aliens

PARANORMAL: queer everyday monsters (vampires giving yoga classes, a shy tiger shifter barista, etc) uncommon shifters (beyond wolves/cats), every day magic (witch with a plant shop and some of them are alive and not exactly legal, merman gets contracted to be lifeguard at movie set and the movie star drowns a bit too often/on purpose, etc)

…Did I mention queer?

I’m ready to work collaboratively. If you are an established or new author open to collaborative experiences and have something that fits with my mswl, send it over!

Jen Bouvier, Editor

Across all my acquisitions, I like a high-concept premise and a strong voice.

The genre I do not see nearly enough of is YA Fantasy!

I like it in all iterations, but my favorite is YA High Fantasy.

I love my Fantasy dark, with a big Romance, an extensive world that has the possibility to open up into a series! Most of my list is queer and I’m generally excited by all kinds of authentic representation by marginalized writers across all genres and age ranges I work on. Would love to uplift more Black writers too.

I also would like to see more YA-Sci Fi.
Still looking for my STEM girls and creative astroscience-inspired takes. If you’ve got something cozy and romantic, I’d love to take a look.
In the New/Adult space, I’m open to all kinds of SFF with a big romantic sub plot and a solid dose of steam. I particularly lack F/F here, and just like in YA, I enjoy stories that tend to get a little bit dark. Enemies to lovers and anti-heroes are the most fun for me. I do love a good grumpy/sunshine story as well.
For the Sideways imprint, I’m looking to expand big on Upmarket Fiction (contemp or SFF), as well as Women’s Fiction with a spec element. If your voice is in that sweet spot between commercial and literary, I’m interested.
  • I want to see big emotions, big ideas, and a romance that unravels me. I’m a huge fan of early 00s dramas with some whimsy, like Lake House and I Could Never Be Your Woman — would love to capture that vibe with even more books like that!
  • I would love to see more stories by writers of color and I love seeing their culture incorporated into stories. There is so much inherent magic in our heritage and I would love to see myself in someone’s exploration of their identity, their family history, their coming into their own. Anything focused on personal growth intrigues me as well.
And as a side note:
I also love working collaboratively.
If you’re an established author who’s always been interested in IP, are maybe even looking to change into a different genre–have your agent give me a shout and send me a writing sample plus some information about you and your interests.
If you’re an unagented Entangled author, you’re welcome to email as well!

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