Author Top 5 with Shannyn Schroeder



This time of year is my favorite—not because of fall weather or pumpkin spice anything, but because it’s new TV season. If you know me, or have met me, you probably know that I watch a lot of TV. A couple of years ago, I counted the number of shows recorded on my DVR (It was an embarrassing number – think high double digits).


I don’t think I could ever do a list of my favorite TV shows because there are simply too many ways to look at it. Favorite of all time? Like when it’s on the TV I stop what I’m doing to watch? Friends, Gilmore Girls, Leverage. Shows I look forward to returning to season after season? Chicago PD, Fire and Med, Criminal Minds, Shameless. Shows I binged on Netflix or Hulu? Lucifer, Killing Eve. See? Too many to think about. So, today, I’m going to run down my favorite 5 NEW shows.


Every new season, I look at what’s being introduced and I read blurbs. Since I already have so many shows that I watch and there’s so much undiscovered content on Netflix and Hulu (and Amazon Prime – how did I forget that one?), I’m a little pickier about what I try on regular TV.


Here are my favorites so far this year:


  1. Stumptown – I love that Dex is a mess. She’s a soldier who has returned home, suffers from PTSD, doesn’t want to get treatment, uses sex to feel better without strings…but also takes care of her brother who has Down syndrome. She lost the man she believed to be the love of her life to war, and she loves her best friend, but won’t cross the line because she’ll screw it up. You gotta love difficult heroines. The first episode has her searching for a kidnapped girl in order to erase her gambling debt. The thing is, she’s not a private investigator. So while she’s smart and tough, there’s a learning curve, so we get to watch her screw up while she figures it out.
  2. Batwoman – I don’t care if it’s cheesy or predictable. I love a good superhero. I’ve watched Arrow and Flash and Black Lightning from the beginning. My youngest and I are definitely DC fans, whereas my middle child is all about Marvel.
  3. Prodigal Son – FBI, serial killers, psychological thrillers? I’m here for it. I’ve been a huge fan of Criminal Minds since the beginning. I’ve been around for a number of other shows that have come and gone. Prodigal Son is a special kind of messed up – the profiler is the son of a serial killer. It even has a Silence of the Lambs kind of vibe.
  4. Nancy Drew – I grew up watching the Hardy Boys and being fascinated with being a detective. Of course, I was also madly in love with Shaun Cassidy and had a requisite poster of him on my closet door and the ripe old age of 8. Nancy Drew is who I wanted to be. Granted, this version is darker and sexier than I remember Nancy Drew being, but I’m okay with that.
  5. Bluff City Law – This is pretty standard fare for a lawyer show. Why have I tuned in? Jimmy Smits. Enough said.



Share your favorite TV shows in the comments!

Be sure to check out Shannyn’s new release My Forever Plus-One, out now!



Evelyn is a woman who has everything–a successful career as a TV producer, and her best friend—sexy firefighter Owen Hanson—who looks mighty fine as her plus-one to awards dinners and backyard picnics. But something is missing and it’s not just the sex.

Owen Hanson is living the dream—a Chicago firefighter who volunteers at a youth center on the Southside and he’s got his best friend Evelyn—who knows him better than anyone. When Evelyn starts hinting about wanting something more, Owen panics.

Sex changes everything but taking their relationship to the next level surpasses even their wildest dreams. Until Evelyn’s ex-husband shows up and could make even the most perfect couple crash and burn…






Shannyn Schroeder is the author of contemporary romances about big families, both those created by blood and by choice. Her books are set in the city of Chicago because having grown up there and lived near the city her whole life, she writes what she knows. When she’s not chauffeuring her kids or writing, she watches a ton of TV and loves to bake cookies

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