Welcome to the YA Corner!

My name is Stacey O’Neale and I’m a publicist for Entangled. I’m also a young adult fantasy writer and the owner of the YA Fantasy Guide. I feel really fortunate that I get to spend my days working within the publishing world. Authors are my celebrities so I get excited whether I’m planning a big author event or just reading a new book that I get to represent.

It’s probably no surprise that I’ve been an avid fantasy and mythology reader for most of my life. My first series was a little known book  called Lord of the Rings. From there, my fascination with fantasy grew into the monster that it is today. I enjoy reading most of the subgenres including paranormal, urban, dystopian, steampunk, horror, and occasionally high fantasy.

Why I love YA? I don’t think there’s a simple answer to that question. I believe it’s the time period that draws me in. The time of your life when you’re just in front of the decisions that will define you such as college, career, and serious relationships. Not to mention the high emotions that center around high school dating when you’re feeling those emotions for the first time. From the guy you crush on all the way through the occasional heartbreak. Simply put, it’s just a fun period that I don’t mind reliving through the characters.

Why do I write YA? Because it’s rich with the emotional struggles that allow the creative juices to flow for miles. The complicated, budding romance scenes are my favorite to write, but the overall dialogue is the most fun. Most teens haven’t fully developed their “people skills” so the conversations can get very honest. As we all know, teenagers don’t usually hold back when it comes to their opinions. You can’t fake teen talk so if you don’t understand the differences, I don’t recommend you try.

As far as my contributions to this blog, you can expect to read lots about my favorite books, news from the publishing world, YA books to movies, interviews, and articles for writers. I’m open to suggestions, so if you’d like to read something specific, then contact me on twitter and we’ll talk about it.

Happy Reading 🙂

About Author

4 Replies on Welcome to the YA Corner!

  • Stacey, I became addicted to YA just over a year ago and I love it!
    Love reading it, love writing it.

    Some of my faves over the past year:

    -Meridian by Amber Kizer
    -Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater
    -Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead
    -Personal Demons by Lisa Desrocher
    -Tempest by Julie Cross
    -Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins

    I can’t wait to read all the fab YA books by Entangled authors!

    • You and I have similar taste. I especially loved Shiver. I’m really looking forward to your next book, Busted in Bollywood! 🙂

  • Yes! Shiver was a favourite of mine.
    Kept me riveted, loved the underlying poignancy of it.

    Enjoyed Linger too, but Shiver still my fave. Must catch up on reading with Forever.

    Am hoping you enjoy Busted in Bollywood 🙂

  • Like you, I read, write and breathe YA. I’m still searching for that perfect match of an agent for my book, and in doing so I have connected with some amazing YA fans and writers. I work with tweens and teens on a daily basis and you’re absolutely right when you say they don’t hold back, and their conversations are incredibly honest. I’m currently reading Unwind and it’s proving to be an interesting read, much like Lois Lowry’s The Giver.

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