If Life were a Musical by Robert Tate Miller


Saw Mamma Mia II TWICE! I was alone (both times), so I pretended to look for my date until the lights dimmed. You know…hmmm,where is she with that .? I’m always trying to protect my ‘man card’. Luckily, there were no other men in the theater, so I was safe.



Loved it! Great songs! Amazing dance numbers! Incredible acting!



And it got me thinking; what if life were like a musical? Imagine you’re out running errands, maybe in a bank or a grocery store, at the DMV. You’re on a super tight schedule. Perhaps, you’re double parked, and you can see the traffic officer out the window just about to whip out the ticket book and write you up. In other words, you’re in a major hurry! BUT THEN – some stranger breaks into song. You think “shoot! I don’t have time for this right now!” But, life is a musical so you are required to sing along, and, of course, instantly know all the words and elaborate dance moves. The big musical number costs you a good five minutes, and, by the time you get out to your car, there’s a nice fat fifty-dollar ticket on the windshield. The point is: if life were like a musical, it could sometimes be inconvenient and costly, but also fun and aerobic.



No, prima donna ballerina Jessica Carmichael isn’t interested in the rough-and-tumble rodeo cowboy she met in physical therapy. In fact, she’s actively uninterested in his cocky smile, and his go-with-the-flow attitude, and how his silly little bets make her work harder than ever to fix her knee. She’d like nothing more than to strangle him, if she wasn’t so busy thinking about kissing him.

Matt Walker’s best hope of getting back in the saddle is charming Jessica into teaching him ballet. He needs to get back on the bronc…even if he has to get there in tights. Only the uptight ballerina lives in a completely different world, one he wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot mechanical bull. But maybe the one thing she needs more than control is to lose control for once—with him.







Born in Atlanta, Georgia, Robert Tate Miller was raised in Hendersonville, North Carolina where he started writing at a young age. Rob has written many screenplays and has had six movies produced for the small screen. His TV movie credits include Three DaysSecret SantaHidden PlacesFarewell Mr. KringleChristmas Cookies and Love Struck Café. Rob wrote the novels Secret Santa (Atria), Forever Christmas(Thomas Nelson), and The Christmas Star (Waterfall Press). Rob graduated from the University of Georgia with a BA in Journalism/Mass Communications. He lives in Los Angeles, California.

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2 Replies on If Life were a Musical by Robert Tate Miller

  • I bet my kids think I live in a musical. I can come up with a song for nearly any situation. Yes, I sing it, too. They challenge me, and I win every time. They’ve learned their lesson accusing me of making up a song–I can google it and find video or a link to it somewhere.

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