#TravelTuesday with Chloe Jacobs



When the family finally got to take that trip to Italy after many years of scrimping and saving and planning, we wanted to see it all. I mean, it might be the only chance we have to go.

I was in charge of the planning. We were going to hit Venice and Florence and Rome, and I was SO excited! But then I stopped to think about it, and I knew my homebody, camping-loving, culture-yawning hubby and son would hate it if I scheduled all our time in the beautiful churches and museums that I was excited to visit.

By the time all the planning was finished and we were on our way, I was a mess. I know…who wouldn’t have a good time in Italy?? But for months I had heard nothing but actualcomplaints about the whole idea of the trip. “We could be spending all that money on new windows for the kitchen.” (deep hubby voice) … “I’m going to miss my friends.” (higher kiddo voice)

We spent three full weeks in Italy, some of it in the company of family and friends, and some of it on our own as sweaty-looking, wide-eyed tourists. But by the end of that trip, we had climbed mountains in the dolomites, rowed our own gondolas in Venice, peered into the mouth of Vesuvius the volcano, snorkeled in the same spot where two oceans meet … and that was in addition to the museums, the Sistine Chapel, the Colosseum, and all the other unbelievable historical sights that you just can’t miss if you go to Italy.

I may never have the opportunity (or the money) to go back to Italy, but we definitely made the most of that trip!

Chloe Jacobs




Don’t miss Greta and the Goblin King by Chloe Jacobs, on sale for 99¢!



While trying to save her brother from a witch’s fire four years ago, Greta was thrown in herself, falling through a portal to Mylena, a dangerous world where humans are the enemy and every ogre, ghoul, and goblin has a dark side that comes out with the eclipse.

To survive, Greta has hidden her humanity and taken the job of bounty hunter—and she’s good at what she does. So good, she’s caught the attention of Mylena’s young goblin king, the darkly enticing Isaac, who invades her dreams and undermines her will to escape.

But Greta’s not the only one looking to get out of Mylena. An ancient evil knows she’s the key to opening the portal, and with the next eclipse mere days away, every bloodthirsty creature in the realm is after her—including Isaac. If Greta fails, she and the lost boys of Mylena will die. If she succeeds, no world will be safe from what follows her back…




Chloe Jacobs is a native of nowhere and everywhere, having jumped around to practically every Province of Canada before settling in Ontario where she lives now with her husband and son. Bringing new characters to life and finding out what makes them tick and how badly she can make them suffer is one of her greatest pleasures, even better than red licorice, geeky graphic tees, and fuzzy pink bunny slippers.


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