Author #Top5 with Alison Aimes



Show me yours and I’ll show you mine!!!!


By the evening, I’m done with writing. #Caput. #Over it. #Ready for some family time and serious vegging on the couch. Maybe a foot rub. Definitely a snack. And, without a doubt, the escapism of TV. I have five top shows I’m binging now, but they’re about to run out. HELP! What should I watch next? Show me your top five and I’ll show you mine….


#1 Stranger Things— I just LOVE this show. The throw back moments make me happy while the plot and the amazing acting keep me hooked. I already can’t wait for the next season. And there’s something about the upside down that reminds me of the prison planet Dragath25 from my Condemned series. Wouldn’t want to get stuck in either place—though Dragath25 does have a lot of hot prison guys like Caine and Valdus running around so maybe….


#2 Peaky Blinders— Yes, there is a heck of a lot of this show I never quite understand (accent and slang barrier) but that’s also part of the fun—and it definitely doesn’t stop me from soaking up every delicious plot twist. Family loyalty reigns supreme and I’m really hoping Thomas finds love. After all, if my tough guy hero Alexi Kazankov from Besting the Billionaire can find his happy-ever-after, so can the head of the Peaky Blinders clan.

#3 The Crown—ah, Elizabeth. Phillip. Margaret. Who can help but be fascinated by the constant interplay between their individual desires and the obligations of their public roles?  And who doesn’t love the accents? Both heroes from the Billionaire Bad Boy collection, Nik and Alexi, also have accents. Coincidence? No way!!!



#4 The Punisher—I’m a sucker for the wounded brutish bad boy with a strong code of honor and a soft streak for the woman he loves. In the Condemned series, Caine and Valdus are willing to risk anything for their females while Nik and Alexi from the Billionaire Bad Boys collection are equally determined to take down whoever threatens those they love. Just like with my stories, I can’t stop hoping the Punisher gets his long over due justice or a renewed chance at love.



#5 Parks and Rec—yes, I’ve watched this show a million times, but it never gets old, always makes me laugh, and feels like just the light, sweet touch I need these days. And Tammy the evil librarian and Ron? I could watch those two forever.


What about you? What are your top TV shows? What should I try out next and maybe gain some inspiration for my next book? I would love to hear!!! Help, please….






Check out Alison’s new release Besting the Billionaire!


Billionaire Alexander Kazankov always wins. But he didn’t count on high-heeled, drop-dead sexy Lily Bennett getting in the way of his latest deal. She’s a distraction he doesn’t need, not when he’s so close to making things right for his family.

Lily may walk and talk like a Southern piece of fluff, but she’s been underestimated before. She’s determined to succeed—and no entitled, arrogant asshole, especially the too-gorgeous-for-his-own-good-kind, is going to get in her way.

Oil meet water. Gasoline meet spark. It’s all out war as these two enemies go toe-to-toe in an ugly, take no prisoners battle to prove they’re the right choice to be CEO of the same company. All too soon playing dirty in the boardroom leads to playing even dirtier in the dark. It’s destined to end in personal and professional disaster. So why the hell can’t they stop?




Alison Aimes is the award-winning author of the contemporary romance Billionaires’ Revenge series as well as the sci fi romance series the Condemned. A romance junkie with a PhD in Modern History, she’s an all-over-the-map kind of woman whose always had a love for dramatic stories and great books, no matter the era. Now, she’s creating her own stories full of intrigue and passion, but always with a happy-ever-after ending. She lives in Maryland with her husband, two kids, and her dog. When not in front of the computer, she can be found hanging with family and friends, hiking, trying to turn herself into a pretzel through yoga, listening to a fabulous TED talk, or, last but not least, sitting on the couch imagining her characters’ next great adventures.


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