Home for the Holidays: Christine Glover’s Pumpkin Dip

Baking, decorating, family…all the things that fill the holidays with joy. Join our Entangled authors as they share a little something special from their home during the holidays.

Christine Glover’s Pumpkin Dip

My family loves the holidays and we love the food we make for these special occasions. I’m not much of a pie baker, so I rely on fun and easy recipes that satisfy the sweet tooth (and store bought pies LOL). My favorite recipe is Pumpkin Dip. I got it from a friend a very long time ago. I believe she got it from a magazine but I can’t even remember the name of the magazine—that’s how long this recipe has been in the family. It’s easy, kids love it, and any adult who loves the words “pumpkin spice” and “sugar” will too.

Here’s the recipe.

2-8oz packages low fat cream cheese (softened at room temperature)

3 cups powdered sugar

1-16oz can unsweetened pumpkin

2 tsp. cinnamon

½ tsp. nutmeg


Combine first five ingredients with a spoon or fork, then mix with a beater to create a smooth texture. Serve with gingersnaps (we LOVE the Trader Joe’s Triple Ginger Gingersnaps).

Told you it was easy!


While you’re enjoying that pumpkin dip pick up your free copy of The Movie Star’s Red Hot Holiday Fling

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