#BehindTheBook with Stacy Reid





In September 2011 I graduated from the University of the West Indies with honours, my hubby landed a job, we were planning life, and things should have been fantastic. I was unhappy. I should have been job hunting, but I found every reason under the sun to delay this. Books had always been my solace, so I started reading again.



I found myself loving some books, screaming at others. The ones I screamed at I devised different ending. I did this for dozens of novels until I started scribbling down ideas for stories I could one day write. Weeks later, it hit me that I wanted to write, a passion I’d had for years but had suppressed. I had no idea where to start, I had no training, and I was just clueless. I lost my warrioress cool and cried buckets. My fantabulous hubby queried my unhappiness, and I said, “I want to write.” His answer seemed like the most brilliant thing. He said, “So write.”

As a couple we have a code, our Ninja way which is a promise to “Never give up on our dreams.” So, my writing journey started that night, and for the next two years I churned out several Paranormal Fantasy Romance.



Confident I was ready for my books to be out there I started researching publishers. I stumbled upon Entangled Publishing, and I just fell in love and knew that was where I wanted to be. I queried one of my book, and I was rejected.



This shocked me, and I was like how can then not see my fabulousness? Lol. I was determined to publish with Entangled, so I stalked their website, Facebook, and Twitter pages. I noticed a call for submission from their Historical Romance line, Scandalous. At the time I only saw myself as a paranormal fantasy writer, but I challenged myself to come up with a book concept that Entangled Publishing would find appealing.

Thus, the idea for my debut novella The Duke’s Shotgun wedding was borne. I wrote it and submitted, and I almost died when a few hours after sending in my novella I received an email. I cannot express the amount of courage it took for me to open it.



I screamed and jumped when I saw it was an acceptance email. I cried, unable to believe my good fortune. A few weeks later I got a four-book deal! I was like whoa…how did four books come into the mix? I only have one Historical romance inside this girl. I panicked because I really blanked on other ideas. But I bluffed and sent an email to my editor which basically said, yes! I can’t wait for you to meet the Calydon family. Lol. That night I could not sleep.



I really didn’t have any ideas.  My hubby is my best friend, my everything, so I unburden on him, and he said, “You can do it…let’s jot down ideas.”

I remembered we stayed up the whole night, bouncing ideas off each other until Miss Phillipa Peppiwell and Lord Anthony Thornton’s love journey against the backdrop of Victorian London came alive for us.



I could picture Phillipa so vividly, hear the witty and provocative conversation she would have with Lord Anthony, their sizzling chemistry and sweet romance just dominated my thoughts and waking moment, and twelve weeks later I completed book two in the Scandalous House of Calydon, The Irresistible Miss Peppiwell.



Grab The Irresistible Miss Peppiwell by Stacy Reid for only 99¢


Can he melt the Ice Maiden’s heart?

With a longing for adventure, the last thing Phillipa Peppiwell wants is to marry. After a past betrayal, she is wary when she unwittingly catches the attention of roguishly handsome—and sinfully tempting—Lord Anthony Thornton. Forbidden desires she secretly yearns for threaten to crumble her icy facade and reveal a scandal best kept buried.

Dissatisfied with his empty life, Lord Anthony seeks a deep and lasting connection…and finds himself intrigued by the Ice Maiden of the haute monde. Undaunted by Phillipa’s aloof nature and her distaste for the idea of matrimony, he sets out to thaw the bewitching beauty by proving to her that adventure doesn’t have to end at the altar. But he, too, hides a scandalous secret…one that could tear them apart if discovered.






Stacy is an avid reader of novels with a deep passion for writing. She especially loves romance and adores writing about people falling in love. Stacy lives a lot in the worlds she creates and actively speaks to her characters (out loud). She has a warrior way, never give up on her dreams. When Stacy is not writing, she spends a copious amount of time drooling over Rick Grimes from Walking Dead, watching Japanese anime and playing video games with her love, Dusean Nelson.

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