#Top5 Wedding Gifts with Boone Brux



Top 5 Awesome Wedding Gifts Ideas


I’m at the age where I can get away with a lot of crap, plus I have the time and money to put into making my shenanigans shine. I’m also at a point in my life if any of my friends are getting married it’s probably for the second, maybe third or fourth time. To me that’s even more reason to step up my gift-giving game. If, and when, I go to my next wedding, I’ve got an arsenal of ideas to make the uniting couple’s day even more special.


So here are my top five awesome wedding gift idea all rolled into the Marriage Survival Tool Kit. Now, let me clarify by saying of course these wouldn’t be the only five things I’d put in the kit. I’d also add filler items like the chocolate, condoms, coffee, you know, the usual stuff that’s fun to get and always appreciated. But these next five items will prevent dozens, if not hundreds of fights from escalating to a ridiculous level.


Trust me, I speak from experience.



  1. Double electronic device chargers. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone to plug in my phone or iPad and my charger is gone, snatched by my husband, and taken to some undiscoverable location. Buy the bride and groom their own chargers, label them with their name and “Don’t touch.”
  2. Fuzzy socks. These are not necessarily for the bride. My husband’s feet get cold and I kick off the blankets. Nothing bursts the romantic bubble like cold toes against hot skin.
  3. If either or neither of the couple has their own tool kit, then buy them or both their own. They don’t have to be fancy, just a hammer, screw drivers, the basics. My husband and I have our own tools. We also have very different ways of caring for our tools. His are organized and stored. Mine—not so much. But they’re mine, so he can’t get mad.
  4. Yeah, sometimes you just want to block everything and everybody out, even the person you love more than most. A good quality set of earphones will give you a level of freedom not found with anything else out there—besides divorce. You want to eye guzzle an entire season of Millionaire Matchmaker, but he hates the show? Bam, headphones in, electronic device on, freedom.
  5. Package of 3M sticky tabs. Seriously, these things are amazing. Usually, they come inside packages with the hooks, but you can also buy just the tabs. In the last week alone I’ve stuck my speakers to my monitor, my docking station to the back of my monitor, tacked an envelope behind a painting to hide…well, you don’t need to know that part. The great part is when you’re finished, pull the tab and snap, clean as a whistle it pops off. Toss in a package of hooks too so they can hang everything from wreaths on the door to fairy lights.


Those are my top five gifts to add to my Marriage Survival Tool Kit. If you have weddings looming in the future, think outside the box with a little Gorilla Glue or packs of AA batteries. The bride and groom will thank you.


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A wedding. A playboy. And a week he’ll make sure she never forgets.

Kinni Corbet is the perfect bridesmaid. She’s efficient and has a to-do list for every occasion. When the bride-to-be adds “relax and have some fun” to Kinni’s schedule, Price Lyons seems to tick all the right boxes. He’s guaranteed fun, and it’s only for one week—what can it hurt?

Playboy hotel owner Price Lyons has wanted to break down Kinni’s walls for years. Her plan to relax for a whole week is the perfect opportunity to get to the one person he’s never been able to charm. And this time, she seems…receptive to his advances. Unexpected, but he’ll take it.

There’s just one problem. Kinni’s allergic to spontaneity, and the only thing predictable about Price is his unpredictably. There’s no way they’ll last beyond the week, and Kinni’s going to make sure of it…





Boone’s stories range from high fantasy to humorous paranormal. Having lived all over the world, and finally settling in the icy region of Alaska, she’s always looking for the next adventure. It’s not unusual to find Boone traversing the remotest parts of the Alaskan bush, gathering information for her stories. No person or escapade is off limits when it comes to weaving real life experiences into her books or blogs.

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