#Top5 Ways to Sneak Exercise Into Your Day with Anita DeVito

Top Five Ways to Sneak Exercise into your Day



  1. Walk between the 22 Starbucks in the Charlotte, NC airport.
  2. Chase after your dog who is chasing after that other dog.
  3. Crawl through Junkfood Alley at any (every) summer fair.
  4. Making like SuperMario and chase Bowser to save the princess
  5. Swim across a happy hour margarita. Olè.








Be sure to check out Anita’s new release, Lost in Deception!


Private investigator Esmeralda “Peach” Morales watches in horror as the crane her uncle is operating topples into Lake Erie. He disappears and she’s convinced he’ll be the scapegoat. She’ll do anything to prove he’s innocent. Seducing the lead investigator is just part of her strategy, at least that’s what she tells herself.

Thomas Riley is at Elderberry Farm when he learns of a deadly crane accident in Cleveland. The forensic investigator suspects sabotage and amid the rubble and mangled metal he uncovers a web of lies and deception. At the center of it all is a beautiful brunette who always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Both fiercely independent, they must learn to work together––inside and outside the bedroom––to unravel the mystery and clear her uncle’s name.






Anita’s rapid paced storytelling style pulls readers into a parallel universe where mystery, mayhem, murder are the order of the day. Her stories are an addictive diversion, trading the heavy, gray world of real life for a fantastically colorful world where bad is good, and cool is smoking hot.

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