Flight Risk Mom Friday with Alexia Adams


The Flight Risk Mom has escaped! She’s had enough of school runs, playdates and endless housework. She’s taken off on a grand European adventure. Can you help track her down? Follow her trip on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (see below for links) and check in each Friday on the Entangled in Romance blog to enter the contest to win 1 of 4 Amazon gift cards.

Hi, I’m Alexia the Flight Risk Mom. I was once a grand adventurer, collecting exotic stamps in my passport and filling photo albums with snapshots and memories. Four children later, however, and my adventuring days have been reduced to finding bargains at the grocery store and deciding what to cook for dinner. This summer, however, I’m back on the road, dragging my four children and somewhat reluctant husband around Europe. Come follow me for fun in the sun and sights not to be missed.


I’ve started my adventure in the capital of Spain. This is my first trip to this amazing city and I’m so glad I included it in my itinerary. My favorite place is Retiro Park where I wandered for over an hour enjoying the peace and tranquility in the middle of this vibrant city (well, as tranquil as it can be with four children). With a large pond, amazing buildings, fountains, and little hidden gems, I could have spent longer exploring every inch of this place.


No time to linger, however, it was off to the royal palace.


After lunch and siesta (after all, when in Spain…) we headed out into evening Madrid. The place was hopping and the street artists the best I’ve ever seen. We did a little shoe shopping and pastry ogling…


…then stopped for dinner–paella and sangria, of course.

The next day there was a street market near where we stayed so we wandered and bought some ripe, succulent apricots. I snapped a photo of this interesting pair of boxers. Two thoughts came to mind: first, if you have to advertise, it’s probably not as big as you think; second, that’s an odd place to store a banana.

Unfortunately, that’s all we had time for in Madrid. Next we went to Jerez then to the Costa Tropical. Come back next Friday when I’ll be talking about the one place I absolutely wanted to see on my European holiday. And I wasn’t disappointed.

Hasta luego!



A former world wanderer, Alexia writes contemporary romance stories that reflect her love of exotic destinations and diverse characters and cultures. She currently lives near Vancouver, Canada with her husband and four children and dreams of a world without housework. As a flight risk mom, romance is her escape and she can often be found with her nose in a book, pretending she’s somewhere else. Check out her website at http://alexia-adams.com and sign up for her monthly newsletter to discover your next escape.



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