The Love Potion (Part One) by Juliette Cross

A Vampire Blood Bonus Fairy Tale.

Part One.

In a land far away, the southern people of Hiddleston held the Harvest Holiday Feast once a year. People from far and wide, including the vampire soldiers from the Glass Tower, attend this night’s revels.

Josephine traveled from her home in the north to attend with her cousin Matilde.  Dressed in her prettiest red dress and a matching satin ribbon in her hair, she and her cousin walked through the market toward the feast gathering. An intoxicating aroma caught Josephine’s attention.

Josephine stepped toward the apothecary’s stall where a wizened old man stooped over a cauldron on his fire pit.

“Good day, sir. May I ask, what is that delightful scent?”

He crooked his finger to summon her closer. “What do you smell, fair lady?”

She leaned in. “Hyacinth…cardamom and sage….the last is unfamiliar but it makes me think of autumn.”

The apothecary smiled. “You have a good nose. But that last scent, you’ll never guess. It is my secret ingredient.”

Copyright: Juliette Cross.

The Love Potion: Part Two, Coming Soon!

And don’t miss The Red Lily by Juliette Cross! A red riding hood vampire retelling, featuring Sienna, Josephine’s granddaughter.

About The Red Lily:

When Red falls for the Big Bad Wolf…

The Black Lily resistance needs a larger army if they are to defeat the vampire monarchy. In order to do so, former lieutenant and traitor to the vampire Crown, Nikolai must seek help from the red-hooded temptress he needs to avoid at all costs. The secret he carries could prove dangerous for her if she gets too close…even though keeping her close—very close—is the only thing on his mind.

Sienna will do anything for the Black Lily, and when Nikolai asks for her assistance to gain the trust of the commonwealth, it’s the last thing she wants to do. The thought of leaving her woods and her wolves behind is terrifying…not to mention the danger being with Nikolai poses.

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About Juliette Cross:

Juliette lives in lush, moss-laden Louisiana where she lives with her husband, four kids, and black lab, Kona.

Multi-published author of paranormal and urban fantasy romance, she loves reading and writing brooding characters, mysterious settings, persevering heroines, and dark, sexy heroes.

From the moment she read JANE EYRE as a teenager, she fell in love with the Gothic romance. Even then, she not only longed to read more novels set in Gothic worlds, she wanted to create her own.

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