#AuthorLife with Shelli Stevens

I have a hubby, a newly teenager and newly toddler, and three cats–two of which who puke all over the house. Life can get crazy. But here’s an average day.



How can you be awake already? You woke up like three times last night and had full on conversations with the owl decal on your wall!


The teen and hubby off are to work and school, so it’s just the toddler and I. May the odds be ever in my favor.


We made it through the morning. Things got dicey, for a bit. She ate a Dorito off the kitchen floor (thanks teen), and she found and carried the plunger around like a sword, but we’re good now. After La Resistance, she passed out for a nap.


I have an hour, maybe even two. I need to write. OMG I need to write. But there are dishes. And laundry. And why are my eyes closing!? Okay I managed 200 words… Now, onto those dishes, they won’t do themselves.


She’s awake, and it’s only been an hour! Maybe I can get in a bit more writing while she plays with all her toys? Nope. She wants to read the Runaway Bunny again, and then watch Little Baby Bum nursery rhyme videos on my laptop. I swear, if the Wheels on this Bus go round and round one more time…


Hubby and teen are home. We’ve eaten, and spent our 35 minutes or so of together time. Now teen is on Minecraft, and hubby’s taken the toddler for the bedtime routine. I can breathe and relax!


 Wait, what I meant to say is, I can write! I can finally get on my laptop and write without any—OMG Facebook, REALLY!? You suck! Okay, fine, just for a minute. I should probably post something too so people know I’m alive. Oh that Tasty video looks cool. And, hmm, I need to make a note to call my senator again.


I’m in my groove, Facebook is closed. I’ve got my Self Control app on. I’m actually writing and absolutely not thinking about how far behind I am on this book. Until hubby asks how my book is coming, and if I’ll make my deadline.



Could this book suck anymore? I ask myself that with every passing word I type. But I’m going to listen to Dory and just keep writing. Then I’ll go to bed, rinse, lather, and repeat this day tomorrow.


So that’s a pretty freaking accurate look at my day, with maybe some Facebook surfing on my phone while I sneak a moment in the bathroom, or trips to the grocery store. And as chaotic as it can be, I wouldn’t change a thing about my family or career. Love them both ❤️






Shelli is a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author who read her first romance novel when she snatched it off her mother’s bookshelf at the age of eleven. One taste and she was forever hooked. It wasn’t until many years later that she decided to pursue writing stories of her own. By then she acknowledged the voices in her head didn’t make her crazy, they made her a writer.

Shelli is a true pluviophile (lover of rain) and currently lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and two daughters. She writes various genres of romance, but is most known for her contemporary series such as Holding Out for a Hero, The McLaughlins, and A is for Alpha. She’s a compulsive volunteer and has been known to spontaneously burst into song.






Madison Phillips is focused on making her new coffee shop a success. She also wouldn’t mind if the sexiest cop in Seattle, Gabriel Martinez, would start seeing her as more than just his best friend’s little sister. When her shop gets robbed and she’s the only one who can identify the increasingly violent Espresso Bandit, Gabe’s there to keep her safe. Having Gabe act as her personal bodyguard is certainly no hardship, and Maddy’s ready to try anything to tempt him into providing some hands-on protection.

This title was previously published. It’s been significantly revised with new scenes added.

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