Entangled for the Holidays: All I Want For Christmas…Staff Edition


It’s the most wonderful time of the year…

We are getting into the holiday spirit! Meet some of the faces behind Entangled Publishing as they share what was at the top of their Christmas List when they were young.


Heather Howland, Associate Publisher

When I was in 6th or 7th grade, all I wanted was the next Anne Rice book. I’d already devoured The Feast of All Saints, Cry to Heaven, and the first two vampire books. I needed MORE, darn it, and I so very much wanted to own my own copy. Under the tree that year, I found The Queen of the Damned…plus paperbacks of the first two vampire books. I still remember sitting hunched over by the tree, soaking up every word on those pages. Santa brought new Anne Rice books every Christmas for the next several years after that!

hollyHolly Bryant-Simpson, Publicist Select Historical & Scandalous

Always a camera, sometimes a camcorder. I got a few cameras over the years and, at 16, a camcorder. I recorded everything for a few years. My friends and I made our own absurd version of Real World, which I hope never, ever sees the light of day.


Kaitlyn Osborn, Publicist Brazen, Scorched, Select Otherworld

All I wanted for Christmas was a talking Light Up Mirror from Beauty and the Beast – – and I got it!!







Bridget O’Toole, Assistant Publicist

My siblings and I were constantly begging for a puppy…we ended up getting two! Best. Christmas. Ever.




meredithMeredith Johnson, Social Media

All I wanted for Christmas was an Easy Bake Oven. I dreamed of making my very own cookies and cupcakes for years. But alas, every year went by without the coveted oven under my tree. But all was not lost. I FINALLY got one in college. Let’s just say it STILL gets plenty of use.



What was at the top of your holiday list as a child?

Did Santa bring it to you, or are you STILL waiting?

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