Annie Seaton: Creating a Modern Fairytale Hero


Alpha billionaires. Enigmatic playboys. Smokin’ hot bosses… you shouldn’t be attracted to. Just a few of the reasons readers absolutely love the Indulgence line. They’re the ultimate fantasy heroes. We love them so much we’re having a HUGE Indulgence imprint flash sale!

Indulge yourself with modern fairytale romances for only 99¢ each.

Take home a sensual prince, a rugged rancher, or perhaps, a thrill-seeking tycoon… at this price you can afford to have all of your fantasies fulfilled.


Creating a modern fairytale romance with a little bit of self indulgence…

What is a fairytale?

If you look up fairy tale in the dictionary, it will tell you a fairy tale is a story, usually for children, about elves, hobgoblins, dragons, fairies, or other magical creatures.

And we all know a romance is a love story that always has a happy ending.

So when I wrote Ten Days in Tuscany, I guess I had a little bit of my favorite fairytale…Cinderella… in the back of my mind. No elves, hobgoblins or magical creatures but certainly a sprinkling of fairy dust, gorgeous settings and moonlight to help Gia and Nic fall in love. What I love most about the Cinderella story is how Prince Charming rescues Cinderella from her world of drudgery and takes her to a fairytale world of romance.

Tuscany-500pxGia is my Cinderella. She works in a drudge job in her family’s restaurant and she hates every minute of it. Her family dismisses her art; the one and only thing she is passionate about. That is until her Prince Charming comes into her world and rescues her.

‘Sometimes, she wondered why she bothered. No matter what she did, she never measured up to her family’s expectations. If it were up to her parents, she’d be happily married to some nice Italian boy from their village and raising a tribe of bambini. Gia shivered. She couldn’t think of anything worse.

Being the baby of the family made life so hard.’

Her Papa says…

“What she needs is a husband and a home in the village. Forget all about this art nonsense.” He turned to Gia and patted her hand. “You’ll grow out of it, bella, and you’ll find a husband soon. Don’t you worry about that.”

Nic, the gorgeous sexy Nic, is the best Prince Charming you will ever meet.

When Gia first encounters Nic Baldini, her world changes forever. And what a way to meet him. He rescues her like a damsel in distress in true fairytale style:

‘Olive skin against a black button-down shirt filled her vision and a deep, sexy voice filled her ears. “I almost ran you down. Are you okay?”

She stood there for a second catching her breath. The close call had rattled her but at least she was unhurt. Okay, it was time to put Mr. Sexy Voice out of his misery.

Before she could speak, strong hands reached for her shoulders and he gripped her firmly. “Are you dazed? I didn’t hit you, did I?” He sounded more agitated than he had a few seconds ago—but the voice was still like…like what? It was like melted chocolate oozing through her senses.

“I’m sorry. I have caused you a flat tire on your bike.”

His full lips closed tight and a frown furrowed his brow. For all his brooding, he was a very handsome man.

Gia stifled a giggle. Very Heathcliffish and Wuthering Heights. She felt like a damsel in distress. Maybe I am dazed from the close call. She was content to spend the rest of the night staring up at the gorgeous dimple in his chin while he talked to her in that beautiful voice. A sexy hint of a warm, woodsy fragrance drifted down to her as she met his worried gaze. He abruptly pulled her closer, and all thoughts ceased as her breasts pressed into a rock-hard chest. Her nipples tingled and she drew a short breath as the tingling travelled down to her belly.’

I fell in love with Nic the moment he saved Gia on that country road in Tuscany.

Of course it wouldn’t be a true fairy tale without a few complications thrown in.

Dishonesty and lies.

An Italian millionaire. A struggling artist from a large Italian family… all set in beautiful Tuscany.

And  as their patron-protégée relationship is quickly eclipsed by desire, Nic realizes that one tiny lie could cost him the woman he’s falling for.

How will he convince Gia that he really is her Prince Charming? To take her away from the world she knows to his luxurious life in Florence?

You will have to visit Ten Days in Tuscany to find out how the fairytale ends.

 Cinderella is my favorite fairy tale. Which fairytale princesses do you think have the best love story?

Find TEN DAYS IN TUSCANY and other Indulgence titles on sale for only 99¢ August 31st – September 6th at your favorite ebook retailer.


annieAnnie Seaton lives on the edge of the South Pacific Ocean on the east coast of Australia and she is fulfilling her lifelong dream of writing. She has been delighted to discover that readers love reading her stories as much as she loves writing them. Annie lives with her own hero of many years. Their two children are now grown up and married, and two beautiful grandchildren have arrived. Now they share their home with “Bob” the dog and two white cats. When she is not writing she can be found in her garden or walking on the beach… or most likely on her deck overlooking the ocean, a chilled glass of wine in hand as the sun sets

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