Wedding Fun by Robin Bielman

June Entangled Wedding

Hi everyone! I’m Robin Bielman and I like cake. And cookies. And cupcakes. Okay, so I pretty much like all the things with sugar in them. I have a huge sweet tooth. So when it came time to choose my wedding cake and we got to go taste testing, I was in bridal heaven. We settled on traditional flavors—a different one for each layer—but it was chocolate we cut into for the cake cutting on the big day.

wedding cakeI knew all along that I was going to smear my new hubby’s face with it. Of course we discussed things beforehand and I asked him to be gentle with me and maybe promised I’d be gentle with him. But since I went second with the feeding (totally part of my master plan), I wasn’t worried he’d playfully retaliate. Although he did! In the best possible way. That’s the two of us below on our wedding day. It seems like yesterday, but it’s been twenty-five years.

In my newest release, BLAME IT ON THE KISS, there’s also some wedding fun, most especially with kissing. I really loved writing this book and maybe had a cupcake or two while I was doing so. I hope you’ll check out Bryce and Honor’s story – and treat yourself to something sweet. 🙂

Blame It on the Kiss by Robin Bielman


About the book:

The one guy she shouldn’t want…

Honor Mitchell has lived with guilt and regret for a long time, so when she promises to do the things on her dying best friend’s wish list, she’s determined to follow through and do something right for a change. But when she’s thrown together for wedding duties with the one man who complicates her vow—just by looking at him—she has to put her faith in Bryce Bishop’s pledge to help her, no strings attached.

Bryce’s near one-night stand with his ex-girlfriend’s best friend a few months ago might have been a mistake, but helping the beautiful, free-spirited Honor with her promise isn’t. His trust in women is shot, but he can’t help but play his best man card to his advantage and help Honor tick off the items on his ex’s list, even if it puts him in a no-win situation. Because his assistance might get Honor what she wants, but suddenly being the do-good guy puts his plans—and heart—in serious jeopardy.

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