Under the Mistletoe with Ally Broadfield

Under Mistletoe
Happy Holidays! I hope everyone has a break from work and is enjoying time with family and friends. I’m Ally Broadfield, and I write Regency historical romance for the Scandalous and Select Historical lines.

Favorite Holiday Song: All I Want for Christmas is You

Favorite Holiday Food: Sugar cookies with frosting. They must have all the frosting.

What’s your favorite thing about the winter holiday season?

Spending time with family and friends, good food, snow, cold, warm fires, and sparkly decorations on a real tree.

What’s your least favorite thing about the winter holiday season?

My credit card bill at the end of December.

About How to Beguile a Duke

Hero’s Name: Nicholas Adair, The Duke of Boulstridge

Heroine’s Name: Catherine Malboeuf

What would the perfect gift your hero would give your heroine and why?

Nick would give Catherine a diamond tiara of her own to remind her of what brought them together, their quest to find her great-grandmother’s hidden tiara.

What would the perfect gift your heroine would give your hero and why?

Catherine would give Nick a journal so instead of reading her great-grandmother’s journal, they can record some naughty entries of their own.

Where would your hero or heroine secretly hang some mistletoe to catch an extra special holiday kiss and why?

Above the window in the library, the place they first met when she broke in to search for her great-grandmother’s journal.

Share an excerpt of your favorite kissing scene between these two characters.

“Catherine,” he whispered, drawing her closer. “You are safe now.”

She shook her head, but kept her eyes firmly shut. “Everything is wrong. I’ve been attacked twice, my property has been stolen, and my belongings have been rifled through several times.”

Several times? He stiffened but said only, “You are safe with me.”

“And Lord Tregony has told me in no uncertain terms that I am not good enough for him, and since I have no other viable prospects, I will not be able to return Walsley to my mother.”

“Lord Tregony is a blockhead.”

Tears still slipped down her cheeks as she clung tightly to him. She took a deep breath and continued. “And I am alone in a carriage with a man, so whatever shard of my reputation was left is now gone.”

“Word of this will not get out.”

“And I am no closer to locating the tiara than I was when arrived in England. And someone else clearly not only knows about the tiara and the journal, but also thinks I know more than I do.”

Her dizzying logic made his head spin, and he quieted her in the only sure way he knew. By pressing a kiss against her lips.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and returned the kiss. He moved to the corner of her mouth, then back to her lips, reveling in her sweet taste and the fervor with which she returned his kisses. The carriage began to slow, having already covered the short distance to Kenworth Hall, and he reluctantly pulled back from her and lifted her into his arms. When the door opened, he carried her from the carriage into his home.




Find out more about How to Beguile a Duke

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