What Bliss Means to Me by Aubrie Dionne


Bliss has turned 2 this month and Aubrie Dionne is sharing what Bliss means to her so please welcome her!

Merriam-Webster defines “bliss” as complete happiness. Synonyms include “paradise” or “heaven.”

In honor of Bliss’s 2nd birthday, I’d like to define what bliss means to me. In creating this list, I realized I have a lot more blissful moments than I thought!

Bliss means…

  1. Waking up with a whole day off to write.
  2. Taking the first sip of my freshly brewed morning coffee.
  3. Playing my flute in orchestra rehearsal (and getting all my entrances!)
  4. Hugging my niece and nephew.
  5. Eating anything that’s chocolate.
  6. The first day of vacation.
  7. Walking out of Kohl’s with a whole bag of new clothes for less than $100.
  8. Reading a wonderful review of my book.
  9. Starting a new episode of Downton Abbey.
  10. Christmas with both my parents and everyone is healthy.

In my Bliss book, Playing the Maestro, a lot of what makes the main character happy is the same for me. She’s a flutist in an orchestra, so she shares some of my blissful moments. In fact, I drew from a lot of my own memories to write this book!

What is bliss to you?

Playing the Maestro by Aubrie DionneAbout the book: Melody Mires has sworn off dating musicians, but when the sexy European conductor Wolf Braun takes over her struggling symphony, her hesitation almost flies out the window with the notes of her flute—until he opens his mouth. Wolf is arrogant, haughty, and seems to have a personal vendetta against Melody. Oh, and he’s her boss. If she wants to keep her job as principal flutist, she’ll have to impress Wolf while simultaneously keeping her undeniable attraction to herself.

Wolf came to America to get as far away from his past as possible, and to recover some of the swagger he had as one of the world’s best maestros. He never imagined being forced to reassess the entire orchestra’s talent—and potentially fire anyone who doesn’t make his cut. Dating the attractive flutist is out of the question, but as their feelings reach a fever pitch, can they risk both their careers for a chance at love?

Pick up your copy of Playing the Maestro

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