#TwitterLove – Week of 8/1/2014

#TGIF everyone! It’s that time again. The time when we take a look back at some of the things we’ve learned, loved, or lusted over in the Twitterverse. We learned what NOT to give as a wedding gift, fell in love with a new hashtag, and lusted over…well many things. But that’s not the point. Here are some of our favorite Twitter things!


We celebrated Cindi Madsen’s newest release, Ready to Wed, with beautiful wedding memories:

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With the beautiful wedding memories came a few not so pleasant ones as well. Seriously folks, some things are NEVER meant to be wedding gifts:


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With a new release came #EntangledintheWild, and this hunter found her prize:


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The world rejoiced as a new hashtag was discovered:


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Admit it. We all have a “Friend in Your Head,” and some of us were proud to shout them out:


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One of Entangled’s authors found herself on the other side of print…in it rather than writing it:

(Way to go Christine!)


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And one tweet needed to be shared over and over and over…you get the idea:

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So there you have it. Don’t miss the fun. Follow @entangledpub on Twitter and join the conversation. You just never know who or what might pop up. And don’t forget to spread a little #TwitterLove!




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