March Madness Men of Bliss: Championship Round

Bliss March Madness


We are down to our last two heroes of our tournament! Today Cole Collins will face off against Luke Watters to determine which Bliss hero will win the championship!


Both heroes were kind enough to take part in our Rapid Fire Round today and answer a few Q’s for us!


We’ll start off with our star first baseman, Cole Collins!


The Practice Proposal by Tracy March


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Cole C'mon



1. Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Any kind, as long as they serve it in a mini batting helmet like they do at Nationals Park.


2. Beach or Mountains: Mountains by the beach.
3. If you had a time machine, would you travel back in time or forward to the future? Back in time. I’d love to watch some of the former greats play baseball.
4. Hidden Talents: Um, they told me to keep this PG! 😉
5. Weapon of Choice to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse: My baseball bat.
6. Favorite Destination Spot: St. Lucia. It’s that mountains by the beach thing. I’m thinking romantic tropical paradise, you know, a perfect place for a wedding–and an unforgettable honeymoon! *winks*

7. Ideal First Date: A sunset hayride on a crisp autumn night, a fire by the lake where we cook hot dogs and s’mores, talking and laughing a lot–especially when our wieners catch on fire, stargazing and sweet first kisses.


8. Boxers or Briefs: Yes–Boxer Briefs

9. Favorite Song: It would have to be Blake Shelton’s “Mine Would be You.” Man, that one gets me every time!


10. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? The fancy name for it is power mimicry. I’d be able to copy or absorb others’ powers and skills so I wouldn’t have to choose just one!


11. Every person needs to believe in themselves, no matter where they come from. You’ll be amazed what you can accomplish if you just keep trying.


12. I never get tired of crushing baseballs out of the ballpark.


13. Cooking in or eating out? Cooking out, like over a fire or on an awesome grill.  


14. One Thing You Can’t Live Without: Liza. No question. I’m not sure how I got this far without her.


15. Where do you see yourself in 6 months? Playing for the Nationals, and trying to make Liza the happiest girl in the world. Heck, I’ll be doing that forever!


Cole Suit


 And now for Luke Watters, renowned extreme-sports photographer!


Kissing the Maid of Honor by Robin Bielman


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Luke baseball


1. Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Pralines and cream


2. Beach or Mountains: Beach


3. If you had a time machine, would you travel back in time or forward to the future? I’d like to travel back in time to a certain high school day and kissing booth and do things a little differently than I did back then. 


4. Hidden Talents: If I told you they wouldn’t be hidden any more. Only Sela knows them. 😉


5. Weapon of Choice to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse: A crowbar


6. Favorite Destination Spot: Fiji


7. Ideal First Date: Doing something outdoors like a bike ride or hike followed by dinner and a long walk under the stars


8. Boxers or Briefs: Boxer briefs


9. Favorite Song: Fly Away by Lennie Kravitz


10. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? To fly. 🙂


11. Every person needs bacon.


12. I never get tired of kissing Sela.


13. Cooking in or eating out? Cooking in and feeding Sela.


14. One Thing You Can’t Live Without? Sela


15. Where do you see yourself in 6 months? With my arms around Sela.




Choose your Bliss champion! free polls 


Ok everyone! You have quite the decision to make! Will it be Cole or Luke that gets your vote? We’ll announce the winner here tomorrow morning!


Also, to say thank you for voting and participating we have a little giveaway for you all!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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