Treat yourself to our novellas for only $0.99 today!

Now that the holiday season is coming to a close, Entangled Publishing invites you to treat yourself!  De-stress and rejuvenate yourself by getting lost in our novellas that are available today for only $0.99!

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COVER_Kiss Me at Midnight - Diane AlbertsCOVER_One Night in Santiago - Audra NorthCOVER_ The Twelve Days of Seduction - Máire ClaremontCowboysWay_500IfYouDare-500pxConned_500Falling4theCEO-500pxPlayingDoctor_500TakeAChance_500
COVER_Pushing the Limits - Nancy FraserCOVER_Under the Hood - Sally ClementsCOVER_The Earl's Christmas Colt - Rebecca Thomas
ChristmasPastFront_500Cover_Letters From Home - Bethanne StrasserCover_Her Hot Pursuit - Lucianne RiversCover_The Blacksmith's Son - Rebbeca ThomasSCC_500WhiteLie_500978162266381197816226637369781622663743


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