Meet Blade!

Meet Blade – the awesome, kick-ass assassin from

Paula Altenburg’s Demon Outlaws series!


If you haven’t met Blade in The Demon’s Daughter, fret not! Blade is the swoon-worthy male protagonist from Paula Altenburg’s Demon Outlaws series and this week, you get to meet him through some special deleted excerpts from THE DEMON’S DAUGHTER!

Now you can get pulled into Paula’s amazing action-packed, romance-filled world again, just in time for the release of BLACK WIDOW DEMON!

Follow the book blitz to read the deleted excerpts!

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Black Widow Demon

by Paula Altenburg

Amazon | Barnes and Noble

Passionate and headstrong, half-demon Raven is nearly executed on the orders of her fundamentalist stepfather. She escapes from the burning stake using the gifts of her otherworldly heritage and the help of a mortal stranger named Blade. Now she’s set on revenge, and only quiet, intense Blade stands in her way.
A retired assassin weary of the weight of his past, Blade has crossed the desert to seek out a new life. His journey is interrupted when his conscience demands he help Raven find an old friend who can help her. Saving her from her need for revenge and delivering her into the hands of loved ones means he’s one step closer to redemption.
But as Blade’s sense of duty becomes something more and threats, both mortal and immortal, stalk the woman he can’t abandon, he could very well fall back into the life he’s trying so hard to escape.

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