Call for Submissions Scandalous Anthology


Who’s That Girl?

We invite you to participate in a unique anthology opportunity using a book cover as a writing prompt. Who is the woman in the picture? What is her story? You tell us. We’ll choose four stories that entertain us the most.


  • Must Be romance
  • Happen in the early 20th Century
  • Be 20-25k words ( full ms )
  • Be submitted by February 15, 2014.

The rest is up to you. We are open to any heat level and any tone. Let your imagination take you someplace fun, intriguing, and most especially…scandalous.

Please submit to: and use Who’s That Girl in the ATTN: box.

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17 Replies on Call for Submissions Scandalous Anthology

  • I’m assuming that this has to be set in the 1920s, since her hair is short and women didn’t start cutting their hair until that time. If this is not the case, please let us know. Thanks.

  • Hi! My question is about submission. When e-mailing the story, aside from pasting it in the e-mail, would you also accept it along with an attachment? Also, do we address the story to Gwen? The information above doesn’t specify it.


    • I should have been more specific.

      In the submission calls it says – “Happen in the early 20th Century”. Is there a specific time period that is a definite no?

      For instance, nothing later than 1940? Or must be earlier than 1930’s?

      I have a story that might work but I think it might be outside the time period.

  • I should have been more specific.

    In the submission calls it says – “Happen in the early 20th Century”. Is there a specific time period that is a definite no?

    For instance, nothing later than 1940? Or must be earlier than 1930′s?

    I have a story that might work but I think it might be outside the time period.

  • Hi!
    Just wanted to make sure I was okay on the time period. So essentially any story that fits the submission prompt that could be between the year 1900 and 1945 when WWII ends? I was hoping to do an earlier story like around the 1910s or something, like Edwardian (aka Downtown Abbey era) and wanted to make sure that was okay.

    • Hi Lauren,

      You are correct about the time period. Please do send in your story when you are ready. We would love to look at it.

  • I notice in the general guidelines for Scandalous titles that you mention the big cities. Can I set my story in Raleigh, NC in the 20s and 30s and still be considered for this submissions call.

  • Are we allowed to send multiple submissions? I have two very different ideas that I want to submit for this anthology 🙂

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