Straight Talk with Ally Blake

Please welcome Ally Blake, one of the authors of When Honey Got Married, for a little bit of Straight Talk!


How do you celebrate when you finish writing a book?

I write, “The End!”  then I promise myself a break, a lie down, a present,  a chocolate donut, a plethora of goodies…which somehow never eventuates as I seem to find myself neck deep in the next story before I can say “pour the bubbly!”

Have you had any fun fan moments since you became a writer?

Not sure if this was a fan moment, but one can only hope!  After I was featured in an article in a well-respected national newspaper, I had a man approach me in the line at McDonalds.   “Aren’t you that romance writer?” he said, jabbing me with a finger.  Then he proceeded to quote me to me.  It was disconcerting to say the least.  I mean, why couldn’t I have been somewhere more elegant, like Chanel, or Subway.  One saving grace… I’d literally just had my hair done.   My image as sophisticated romance author might just have scraped by.

If you could have dinner, coffee, or drinks with a fictional character, who would you choose and where would you go?

Is it wrong that the litany of fictional characters that popped into my head were all male?  And that idea of taking any of them to coffee, or dinner had me snorting aloud? Drinks then, for sure.  Somewhere dark and moody.   With my current literary squeeze; Keri Arthur’s scintillating reaper, Azriel, from her Dark Angels series.

Do you usually begin a book with a character or a plot?

Both.  My books usually start with a single idea; a cute-meet of some sort that throws two very particular people together for some reason appealing enough to me it makes me sit up and pay attention.

What was the inspiration for your book?

Channing Tatum.  Okay, so maybe it wasn’t that simple ;).   Though when Kimberly, Anna, Kelly and I first began chatting about the possibility of writing WHEN HONEY GOT MARRIED… I might have sent a photo of Channing Tatum to the girls as possible inspiration for Brent, Honey’s groom-to-be and the hero of our overall piece.  And they said yes.  So you do the math.

How difficult is if for you to come up with a title for your books?

Oh, not difficult at all.  I come up with simply brilliant titles for all of my books…then am never allowed to keep them.  I think it’s a conspiracy of some sort, perhaps by way of the Publishing Industrial Complex.  That said when we were throwing around working title ideas for this anthology, the fabulous Kimberly Lang came up with WHEN HONEY GOT MARRIED…  and it stuck.  For good.  Hmmm…

Who would play your hero/heroine in the tv or film version of your book?

I imagined Jessica Alba as my Pippa.  There’s a sweetness about her, an honesty, and she’s so darned cute!  Also a dress she once wore to the MTV movie awards was the inspiration behind “that dress”.  “That dress?” you ask.  A-ha, you’ll just need to read the stories to find out ;).  As for Griff I also have someone in mind as I wrote, but I think it’d be more fun to leave him up to you .

Who are your favorite authors? What authors have influenced your book?

For pure romantic gorgeousness, I’ve never gone wrong reading Kristan Higgins, Rachel Gibson, Sophie Kinsella or Anne Gracie.  For some oldies but goodies LaVyrle Spencer and Dick Francis are masters of crafting a damn fine story.   And, hand to heart, I adore the collected works of the writers whose words grace this anthology alongside mine.

Where does the magic happen?  Where do you write?

In local cafes surrounded by light and life and raucous amounts of noise with my laptop humming beneath my ready fingers and a cup of coffee and something sweet within reach.

Aside from writing, what do you do in your free time? 

I have three kids aged five and under.  What’s spare time again?

About the Book: When Honey Got Married

HoneyCoverA wedding planner should never mix business and pleasure, but Grace couldn’t resist breaking rule number one for a hot night with her high school crush!

Eve hoped to make one last play for the groom-who-got-away…but instead the down-on-her-romantic-luck actress instead found herself in dark corners with his successful, seductive cousin.

The sister of the bride needed a date of convenience and who better than her hazel-eyed, mysterious co-worker? If only Nina could keep her hands off his perfect body until she learned his true identity…

The groom proposed to her eight years earlier, but it was the steamy kiss that Pippa shared with his brother the night she left town that haunted her memories. Now she’s back and sharing much more than just kisses.

Nothing was going to ruin Honey’s wedding to the man of her dreams.  And she has just the wedding surprise for her beloved groom!

Title: When Honey Got Married (Anthology)

Author: Kimberly Lang, Anna Cleary, Kelly Hunter, and Ally Blake

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Length: 277 pages

Release Date: May 2013

Imprint: Indulgence


About Author

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