Cover Love: The Cat’s Meow by Stacey Kennedy


Check out the breathtaking new cover for

The Cat’s Meow

A Witch’s Brew novel by Stacey Kennedy


“When I first saw the new cover for The Cat’s Meow, I squealed so loud my hubby came running into my office to see what was wrong. Yep, that’s how much I love it! Not to say I didn’t love the cartoony cover, because I thought it was super cute and fun, but this cover fits the story so well. The big fight scene that happens near the end of the story takes place at a cemetery and well, in my mind it looked almost identical to the cover. Add in a kitty, a kick-ass looking witch, and the magic…and yeah, this cover rocks!” – Stacey Kennedy

About The Cat’s Meow by Stacey Kennedy:

When a magical presence is detected around a recent string of feline slayings, Libby, an enchantress, is determined to discover who is behind the odd deaths. Being a witch gifted by the Goddess to conjure spells won’t protect her from the sexy warlock the Coven sends to assist her. Kale weaves a spell more powerful than any she’s ever seen.

While having the muscle around proves to be useful in her investigation, fighting her growing attraction for Kale is worse than a hex, especially considering the secrets she knows he’s keeping. But when her spells turn up clues that point to something far more sinister than slaughtered cats, the elusive warlock becomes the least of her worries.

Libby finds herself in the midst of an uprising. She trusts no one and isn’t safe—not from the warlocks stirring up trouble. Not from the worrisome rebellion she can’t escape. And certainly not from Kale, who is weaving a very dangerous spell over her heart.

Title: The Cat’s Meow
Author: Stacey Kennedy
Genre: Urban Fantasy Romance
Length: 256 pages
Release Date: December 2012
ISBN: 978-1-62266-857-1
Imprint: Entangled Edge

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