Private Practice by Samanthe Beck Teaser and Cover Sneak Peek #3

Welcome to the 3rd sneak peek and teaser to Samanthe Beck’s new Brazen release Private Practice! Things get even more heated and steamy in today’s teaser so check out the last sneak peek of the cover and get your fans out!


Come back next week for the full cover reveal and the last teaser! In the meantime you can follow Samanthe Beck on Twitter, Facebook, and on her Website.




Private Practice Teaser #3:


“You’re going out of order.”

He reached beyond her and snagged a small packet from his nightstand. Her insides trembled.

“News flash, Doc. Order’s overrated. Besides, you’ve spent enough time staring at my ass. Seems past time I returned the favor.”

 With that, he tore her panties off. She gasped, but when his tongue took a long, unhurried slide down her spine, all the way to the small of her back, the gasp edged over into a moan. He kissed a line across the top of one bare cheek, then the other. Meanwhile his fingers delved between her legs, stroking, teasing…forcing her breath to come in ragged pants.


“I am here to please,” he whispered against her skin. “Tell me what you want.”

“You. Inside me. Now.”

“At your service,” he said with such playful tenderness she didn’t know whether to laugh or burst into tears. Then she felt the hot, heavy length of him slide down her backside and all she wanted to do was hurry.


Just a few more days until Private Practice releases!

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