Commencement Blog Tour


The blog tour for Commencement by Paige Cuccaro starts October 15th since this is a Paranormal Romance/ YA crossover we have gathered both adult and YA blogs for this tour so look below for  all of the tour stops! Paige will be visiting some of these blogs with guest posts, interviews. The rest will be reviews of Commencement and each blog will have an eBook of Commencement to giveaway so enter at each site to increase your chances of winning!

10/15/12              Diary of a Book Addict   

10/16/12              What The Cat Read

10/17/12              Fiktshun After Dark

10/18/12              Sonorous Words

10/19/12              Bibliophile Mystery        

10/22/12              My Life With Books

10/23/12              An Avid Reader’s Musings

10/24/12              My Reading Room

10/25/12              Cass’s Reviews 

10/26/12              Passionate Book Divas

10/29/12              Romancing The Darkside

10/30/12              Winterhaven Books

10/31/12              Booklover’s Inc.               

11/1/2012            Taters Tall Tales               

11/2/2012            Paranormal Wastelands               

11/5/2012            Shortie Says

11/6/2012            Bibliognome

11/7/2012            Stuck in Books  

11/8/2012            Hacakroo’s Reviews       

11/9/2012            K-Books              


Hell hath no fury like a woman’s scorn for frat guys…


Emma Jane Hellsbane knows something evil is worming its way through her college campus—she can feel it. Literally. Her freakish ability to feel other people’s emotions as though they were her own has always been monumentally awkward, and it’s easier for her to just pretend it doesn’t exist. But this time her paranormal ability just might help her save lives.


Emma Jane’s fairly certain that whatever the hateful, egomaniacal, Godlike thing is, it’s set up shop inside her boyfriend, the frat boy/soccer star Justin. And if she doesn’t figure a way to get it out of him soon, Justin’s soul will be the appetizer to the main course—the whole student body. Problem is, the big baddy is granting sinister wishes, and with each one the risks grow higher and the phrase Be careful what you wish for becomes a real-life dire warning. Of course for Emma, what feels like it could be the end is in fact just the beginning…



Title: Commencement (a Hellsbane novella)

Author: Paige Cuccaro

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Length: 87 pages

Imprint:  Flirt

Release Date: September 2012

ISBN: 978-1-62266-992-9

Read an Excerpt

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