Romance, what catches your eye?

Romance is a wonderful thing. We all enjoy a bit of it in our lives and most of us love reading romances. Not everyone starts reading romances at a young age. I speak from experience. I was 42 when I started reading romances. As some of you gasp at the horror of waiting too long, for me, in my mind, I had reasons. Not good ones at times, but I had them all the same.

I grew up in a household with my mom writing and reading romances novels. I would end up going to her writing group meetings to hear other romance writers talk about their work. For a young girl it was yawning time as I listened–or should say not listened to the banter between the writers. I knew then I didn’t want to read anything. All I wanted to do was draw and paint.

Then one day I picked up a copy of a mystery by Lillian Jackson Braun and was captivated.  I was in my late 20’s when I started reading and mysteries were all I wanted to read for almost 20 years. Until I started blogging with book reviews and promoting authors.  One author asked me to read her romance. I was so surprised how much I enjoyed the book…and I started reading more.  Yes, 42 is an older age to pick up a romance, but worth it everyday.

What catches my eye in romance?  The covers! Lets face it with the hot models they have these days, you don’t want to miss a hot read.


What catches your eye? When did you start reading romances?

About Author

9 Replies on Romance, what catches your eye?

  • I read a few romances here and there as a teen but always stayed away from that aisle at the bookstore. The covers were so cheesy and I didn’t have any interest in browsing the shelves. I didn’t really get into romances until a couple of years ago. A friend picked up the first Demonica book by Larissa Ione at Target of all places, read it, loved it, and gave it to me. I was probably 30 at the time. The book was awesome and I realized that romance wasn’t just what I thought it was and started to explore the romance aisle. Some covers are still pretty bad, but some are really great. Plus I have my kindle now for the bad cover ones. I still love paranormals but also realized I love historicals as well. These days there is a romance for everyone.

    • I was the same way, didn’t go down the isle at all. I was tired of hearing about romance. Glad to see I am not the only one starting reading romances at an older age. Thank you for stopping by.

  • Whoa! I’ll try again!

    I thought I’d come to romance late but then I realized that I’d been reading romance since my early days of reading, I just thought I had been reading love stories!

    I was born in Manchester in England, so I’ve always loved reading stories about poor young ladies falling in love with the owner of big mill town factories. I still tend to enjoy stories about real people. The covers don’t catch my eye so much. I tend to be a blurb reader. Write a good blurb and you’ll catch me.

    Hopefully the whole message will post this time 🙂

    • Thank you Toni for coming by. I agree the book can have a great cover and a bad blurb. Blurbs are just as important.

  • Mysteries will always be my first love but I do love a good romance too. The covers really draw me in as well. Sometimes I feel I need to take a cold shower with the hot covers they have these days. 🙂

    Happy reading!

    Ashley @ Dr. Pepper Diva

    • Hi Ashley I still read my mysteries :). Suspense romance is not too bad at all. Thank you for coming by.

  • Hi Babs!
    I’ve always read romances to one extent or another. I have to agree with you about the covers! Nothing better than a yummy man in a kilt…..keep reading!

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