Tiffany Truitt’s Chosen Ones Book Trailer

Get ready for Chosen Ones. Seriously, you will be enthralled…


In the not-too-distant future, the world was irrevocably changed when women mysteriously lost the ability to reproduce. Faced with humanity’s extinction, the Council of Creators was begun to find alternative methods of creating life. The resulting artificial beings, or Chosen Ones, were extraordinarily beautiful, unbelievably strong, and unabashedly deadly.

Life is bleak but uncomplicated for sixteen-year-old Tess until she begins work at Templeton, a Chosen Ones training facility, and she meets James. The attraction between the two is immediate in its intensity—and overwhelming in its danger.

But there is more to the goings-on at Templeton than Tess ever knew. Will she be able to stand up to her oppressors, even if it means giving up the only happiness in her life?


And now, as if that wasn’t enough, get ready for the Chosen Ones book trailer.


Finally, grab the Countdown Widget for Chosen Ones and help us get the word out about this phenomenal book!


About Tiffany Truit

Tiffany Truitt is an 8th grade English teacher in Suffolk, Virginia. When she’s not traveling the world, Tiffany enjoys reading, writing, and obsessing over coffee. Lost Souls: Chosen Ones is her first novel.

Connect with Tiffany at her Website

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