Entangled Welcomes Erin McCormack Molta as Senior Editor

We’re thrilled to announce the addition of Erin McCormack Molta to the Entangled Publishing team!  Erin joins us as a senior editor of both adult and YA fiction.

Erin comes to Entangled after more than 23 years in publishing. She started out in the Scholastic Book Clubs,  moving on to Disney where she acquired and edited Paul Zindel’s gruesome, but bestselling YA thrillers.

She has a passion for fantasy and delights in tales of the paranormal – zombies, ghouls, ghosts, and werewolves welcome.  “Ah—to live in a world with magic and dragons and dungeons! Oh my!”

As a Senior Editor with Entangled, Erin will be looking for stories about futuristic worlds with alien creatures and medieval lands with fairies and goblins and witches galore.  She also loves quirky contemporary romances—the girl next door who-may- not-be-as-she-seems, as well as historical “bodice-rippers”.  One caveat – “Independent and strong-minded women” are a must.

Erin would also love to see credible disaster/survivalist stories—those who have lost it all but manage to survive, thrive, and find love.

Erin’s Wish List:

High Fantasy—different worlds, dragons, wizards, heirs or heiresses (prince or princesses) in danger and having to save their kingdoms and their lives (and loves).

Paranormal–vampires, werewolves, goblins, ghouls, zombies and other undead either in their own worlds or interacting with humans.

Chick-lit romance—Opposites attract: the Jock and the nerd, the mean girl and the Dungeons and Dragons player, city boy and country girl. Strong female characters who are trying to make it in the world and have it all—be it Student Council president or just graduating and starting her own business and of course, love is never where it is expected.

Romantic Suspense thrillers—murders and disasters but the main characters always find love in the end, even if it is lost along the way.

Dystopian & science fiction– space ships and colonizing other planets, apocalyptic new Earth, iPhones that are taking over the world.

Contemporary issues–Autism, ADHD, terminal illnesses—few months to live-type stories, teen pregnancy, drugs, rape, incest, riches to rags, and 15 minutes of fame type stories—winners of those reality TV shows—what happens when the camera is gone and the spotlight is turned off?


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