Happy holidays! All month long meet some of our authors and their best selling books.
Today we’re getting to know Tara Kingston and her hero and heroine from When a Lady Kisses a Scot!
Hi, I’m Tara Kingston. For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved Christmas. I’m always eager to start celebrating the season. Much to my husband’s chagrin, I set my radio to the holiday station while we’re still munching on leftover Halloween candy. The Christmas season is a time I cherish. When my sons were little boys, we would have fun making ornaments for the tree, and as if by some holiday magic, it’s the one time of the year when my cooking endeavors tend to turn out delicious rather than inspiring comments like “Maybe we should’ve gotten pizza”. I’m delighted to share some of my favorite things about Christmas with you.
Favorite Holiday Song:
I have two favorite holiday songs: U2’s rendition of Christmas, Baby Please Come Home and Kelly Clarkson’s Under The Christmas Tree.
Favorite Holiday Food:
I have a confession – I detest turkey, and I’m not fond of ham. So, bring on the carbs! I love my homemade stuffing, corn pudding casserole, and, of course, dessert!
Favorite Holiday Movie:
My absolute favorite holiday movie is National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. I am convinced my husband has been inspired by Clark Griswold’s decorating habits. Scrooged a close second. I adore Bill Murray’s take on the old miser.
Are you the type of person who on November 1st…thinks it’s time to break out the Christmas music or thinks It’s not even Thanksgiving yet folks!
As soon as Halloween is over, I’m blasting out the holiday songs, sometimes while munching on leftover Halloween candy.
Are you one of those shoppers who has gone through your list and are done shopping well ahead of Christmas or are you elbowing people out of your way on Christmas Eve to finish your shopping?
I’m usually finished with shopping soon after Thanksgiving. Wrapping those presents is a different story, though. I’ve been up until 2 o’clock in the morning on Christmas Eve putting bows on packages.
Get to Know The Characters From When a Lady Kisses a Scot…
Hero’s Name: MacAllister Campbell
Heroine’s Name: Rose Fleming
What would the perfect gift your hero would give your heroine and why?
One gift that would be perfect for Mac to give Rose would be a beautifully carved jewelry chest. She cherishes her locket because of its connection with her mother, and she’s sure to treasure the gifts Mac will give her in the future.
What would the perfect gift your heroine would give your hero and why?
I’d say a gorgeous, sexy new kilt would be perfect gift from Rose to Mac – what could be better than a gift the giver can also enjoy?
Where would your hero or heroine secretly hang some mistletoe to catch an extra special holiday kiss and why?
Mistletoe hanging in front of the fireplace at Mac’s family home in Scotland might prompt more than one special holiday kiss.
Check Out This Excerpt
He framed her face in his large, warm hands. “What is this about?”
“Stop talking and kiss me.”
Interest flared in his eyes. And he needed no further invitation. Dipping his head, he pressed his lips to hers. Softly, at first. So very gentle. Kindling a flame she’d thought long extinguished.
Her lids fluttered shut as she savored his touch. A hunger that transcended the moment stirred within her. With a little groan deep in his throat, he intensified the caress, teasing her with the tip of his tongue, parting her lips. Claiming her with a passion that carried her back in time.
Pick up When a Lady Kisses a Scot which is just 99¢ for a limited time only!
Rose Fleming has been presumed dead for the last decade. It required leaving everything—and everyone—she loved behind, including MacAllister Campbell. But faking her death allowed her to stay safe until the threat posed by a mysterious villain had passed. Believing it’s finally safe again, she returns…and runs smack into the only man she ever loved.
But Rose was wrong and the stalker she escaped years ago still has her in his sights.
Ten years ago, Mac mourned the death of the woman he loved. It’s taken years to heal his heart only to discover that not only is Rose still alive, but still in grave danger. Mac can forgive Rose’s deception, but he’d never be able to forgive himself if he didn’t protect her from the evil still stalking her.
The only thing worse than losing her once would be losing her again… and he won’t let that happen.
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