Behind the Book with Ciara Knight and Silver Edge




What songs do you feel?


Scarlet Bain can’t be touched. She struggles with a form of autism that affects her senses. Music has become her escape. No, not her escape, her Utopia, where she can feel connected to something besides herself.


When she longs to feel the touch of another that she knows she can’t tolerate, she losses herself in her music.

Here is a peek into Scarlet’s musical world:

My eyelids closed, sealing the surrounding room from my consciousness. That inexplicable yearning inside me conjoined with the melody. I surrendered to the sensual soiree, the higher notes promenading with the grace of a champion ballroom dancer. My shoulders rose and fell with the tete-a-tete.



I played as if the piano breathed for me, thought for me, lived for me. Note after note, I felt love, loss, longing. Tears trickled over my cheeks and into my mouth. I tasted the sadness of Drake’s song, the same sadness I had lived.



I slid my hands to the bass keys and pounded the approach of danger. Deep, hollow, broken. I found where Drake had faltered in the song. My breath was shallow, but I played on. The melody crescendoed to a battle cadence.

Da-drum. Da-drum. Da-drum.

Faster, faster, faster.

The song peaked, a high, mountainous peak. Energy faded, and the beats trailed into a sweeping calm. My fingers fell from the keys. I slumped, exhausted.



The floor creaked and I jolted. Drake dropped his bag, a flash of intense emotion. I flinched, waiting for the anger I knew was coming to rule his fists.

“Don’t. I wouldn’t hurt you.” He sat next to me on the bench, side by side, shoulder to shoulder, his back to the keys. “I’d never hurt you,” he said, his voice trembling more than my hands.



Find out why readers are raving about Scarlet’s story. Get Silver Edge by Ciara Knight for just 99¢!




Sometimes all a girl needs is the right touch.

All I’ve ever wanted is to fit in.

But no one can ever see past how weird I am. Bright lights? Can’t stand them. Loud noises? Definitely sends me over the edge. And touching? Forget about it.

At least, until I met Drake.

From the moment I walked into that nightclub, I finally felt like I belonged somewhere. And when Drake touched me, it didn’t send me into a tailspin of sensations that I couldn’t stand. It actually felt…nice. Like something I could get used to. And it doesn’t hurt that he’s probably the hottest guy I’ve ever seen.

But now someone wants to close the club down. And since I promised Drake that I’d help him keep it open, I’m going to have to find a way to tap into whatever that inner strength thing is that everyone always talks about. And fast. But what happens if I can’t?





Ciara Knight is a USA Today, Amazon Bestselling, and award winning author who writes ‘A Little Edge and A Lot of Heart’ that spans the heat scales. Her popular sweet romance series, Sweetwater County, takes readers into small town romance full of family trials, friendly competition, and community love. Ciara’s teen books are coming of age stories, set in fantastical worlds, with a little grit. Her bestselling series, The Neumarian Chronicles and Battle for Souls both received four and five star reviews and were nominated for prestigious awards. The sexier side of Ciara enjoys writing stories with alpha heroes pitted against equally challenging, sexy and sensual heroine’s in gritty and dark worlds. Ciara’s high fantasy romance series, The Shrouded Kingdoms released to rave reviews, followed by her sizzling western, Fools Rush. Out of all her projects, she’s most excited to share her New Adult story, Silver Edge. A modern day Cinderella fairytale where A Girl with a Dragon Tattoo meets Mr. Darcy.

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