#DoneIt with Wendy Lyn Watson



For my last birthday, my husband outdid himself.  In fact, he may have set a standard he can never meet again.

He surprised me with tickets to an event at a biker/metal bar in Dallas.

I didn’t have any idea what was happening until the guy was scanning the tickets.  Someone opened the venue door, I looked inside, and I thought, “Holy crap!  Is that guy holding a … goat?”

Yes.  Yes, he was.

Turns out one of the local goat farms runs a regular deal with the bar where you can come enjoy “twelve baby goats and unlimited pizza.”  It was magical.

Mr. Wendy and I got to pet and cuddle with baby goats.  The kid in the video is Rowan.  Right after the video stopped, she fell asleep in my arms and napped there for a good ten minutes.

My first time goat snuggling was a complete success.  I fully expect I will snuggle with more goats in the future.  Honestly, I cannot recommend the experience more.



Get Once Upon a Wallflower by Wendy Lyn Watson for just 99¢!


A Perennial Wallflower…When Mira Fitzhenry’s guardian arranges her engagement to one of the most scandalous lords to ever grace the peerage, all of society is abuzz. After all, the man has left a trio of dead young women in his wake, including his first fiancée. But Mira doesn’t see a killer in Nicholas’s moonlight eyes, and she resolves to find the real murderer before the wedding.

A Gothic Villain…

Expecting to scare the chit away within five minutes of meeting him, scarred and brooding Nicholas, the Viscount Ashfield, is intrigued by Mira’s tenacious resolve to prove his innocence. She’s not put off by his imposing appearance, but his family’s dark secrets mean he cannot let her get close.

As the wedding approaches, Nicholas and Mira grow ever closer, yet so does the danger.










Wendy Lyn Watson’s life has been stranger than fiction. Between working in a pool hall in Virginia, living in a community of priests near Detroit, and learning to curl on Minnesota’s Iron Range, she’s gathered enough material for a hundred books. Turning all those experiences and characters into stories is her life’s ambition. Wendy believes that love and murder go together like chocolate and peanut butter: she writes mysteries dipped in romance, romances dipped in mystery, and both smothered in a generous dollop of humor. When she’s not losing herself in another book, she teaches American government and constitutional law to college kids. She lives in Texas with her hero of a husband and three very spoiled cats. She loves to hear from readers; you can find her on the web at www.wendylynwatson.com, @wendylynwatson, and facebook.com/wendylynwatsonauthor.


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