#MusicMonday with Julie Hammerle





In my books, specifically KNOCKED-UP CINDERELLA and THE SOUND OF US, I often saddle my main characters with a TV obsession, because I’m TV obsessed. Or I try to be. These days, with so many channels and sources (not to mention reading, writing, day jobs, kids, etc.), it’s tough to stay on top of what’s good. I usually watch Twitter, waiting for the TV hive mind to tell me which shows are worth my time. While I used to know everything tidbit of trivia about a program—contestants on Idol, every line from 30 Rock—it’s rare that I have the time, energy, or desire to do that deep a dive on any TV show. It’s not often that I come across something that I truly, unabashedly adore.


And that brings me to Pee-Wee’s Christmas Special.



Yes, I’m using my space here to evangelize about the only programming you truly need this holiday season. I’ll watch Hallmark Channel with the best of them, but no DJ Tanner joint, no Alicia Witt movie, can hold a candle to Pee-Wee Herman’s magnum opus from 1988.


I want you to know that I’m not being facetious. I’m not being ironic. If you see “Pee-Wee” and think “garbage,” then I can only surmise that you’ve never seen any of his work beyond Big Top Pee-Wee.



Pee-Wee’s Christmas Special is the perfect blend of kitsch and humor. It will bring you so much joy. If you don’t believe me yet, watch this video:



You’re welcome.


Twitter: twitter.com/juliehammerle

Instagram: instagram.com/juleswritesstuff

Facebook: facebook.com/hammerlejulie

Website: juliehammerle.com


I’m a walking contradiction.
School principal who liberally drops the F bomb.
Fiercely independent yet willing to auction myself off for charity.
Serial monogamist who’s down for a no-strings one-night stand.

Except now I’ve gone from one-working-ovary to co-parent in the time it took a stick to turn blue.

F. Bomb.

Ian Donovan may be a richer-than-hell venture capitalist, but he’s no Prince Charming ready to sweep me off my feet. Good thing I don’t need him. I’ve been doing fine on my own for forty years, and I’m not about to start changing that now.

Ultrasounds, swollen feet, midnight cravings? Bring. It. On.

But why is it when you finally swear off men, you meet one who’s too sexy—and determined we can make it work?

F. Bomb.


Julie Hammerle writes young adult novels that focus on nerds, geeks, and basket cases falling in love. On the YA side, she is the author of The Sound of Us (Entangled TEEN, 2016) and the North Pole romance series (Entangled Crush, 2017). For adult romances, look for Knocked-Up Cinderella in the fall of 2018. A graduate of Butler University with degrees in secondary education and Latin with a minor in music, Julie lives in Chicago with her family and enjoys reading, cooking, and watching all the television.


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