Mothers sometimes have to deal with the darndest of situations. Here are some of the laugh/cringe-worthy mom moments in their life.
The time Liam Neeson was filming a movie on my block in Brooklyn. A bunch of us moms circled the block with our strollers and coffees, trying to get a glimpse. I was like, I guess this is what passes as excitement now! -Tessa Bailey, author of Thrown Down
I took my youngest out to eat near Christmas time… Now mind you, I’m a bit of a clumsy person, always spilling on myself and knocking into things. (Unfortunately, my daughters have inherited this charming trait.) Anyway, when the bill was paid and we were ready to leave, I stood up, and put on my coat, knocking all the Christmas decorations from a ledge. As usual, my daughter rolled her eyes and snickered. Yes, this is her mother. I like to think experiences like this have taught my kids no one is perfect, and that when something happens they can laugh at themselves and brush off the incident. Life is full of minor embarrassments like this. It’s how you react to them that matters. Attitude is everything. –Tamara Hughes, author of His Pirate Seductress
I think it’s when I was singing Taylor Swift aloud at the grocery store (there might’ve also been dancing) & my daughter tried to distance herself from me. So I pointed at her & yelled “That’s one’s mine! She’s with me!”
Hey, if they’re gonna act like I’m embarrassing, I might as well deserve it, right?
-Cindi Madsen, author of The Bad Boy’s Baby
My mom made a birthday cake from scratch once, only she used salt instead of sugar in the recipe. We called it the seafood cake for years because it tasted like the ocean. She tried… :-) –Jennifer Shirk, author of From Fake to Forever
We laugh about it, but I’m pretty sure this wasn’t my finest moment as a mother: I once made my son drive himself to the emergency room because I had a deadline. It was hours before I noticed he hadn’t returned. The hospital kept him because they wouldn’t allow him to drive himself home. This probably explains why I never got that “World’s Greatest Mom” coffee mug.–Paula Altenburg, author of Her Secret, His Surprise
My birthday was on May 7th. My husband and 8 yo son took me out to dinner to celebrate. I think my latest, funny mom moment might have been during this occasion, when my son announced to the hostess and everyone else in the vicinity, “Today is my mom’s birthday…” followed by my age! –Samanthe Beck, author of Emergency Delivery
I was six-years-old when I decided to skip school. My older siblings walked me to my school where I went in the front door, straight out the back, and ran home. I hid on the side of the house and played with my brother’s toys for what seemed an eternity. I was getting hungry and bored so I decided to sneak into the house for something to eat, hoping my mother wouldn’t catch me. I got to the refrigerator, opened it, and there was a sandwich and a glass of milk. “I wondered how long it would take you,” my mom said as she stepped into the room. It seemed the principal saw me leave and called my mom, so she knew I was hiding at the side of the house all the time. –Kathleen Bittner Roth, author of Portrait of a Forbidden Lady
My mom is this gorgeous woman. Her age is a family secret. I blame her for being bad at Math, because when I was a kid, I’d ask, “Mom, how old are you?” and she’d say, “Thirty-eight.” And the following year, her answer was still thirty-eight. So, 38+1=38. See what I mean? -Carmen Falcone, author of A Night of Misbehaving
When my older son sprayed the walls of my MIL’s bathroom after assuring me he didn’t need to pull his pants down all the way before peeing. (It wouldn’t have been nearly as funny if it had been my bathroom.) –Alyssa Goodnight, author of Just Say Yes
When my husband and I were newly dating, he invited me to his house to have dinner with his kids (ages 5 and 9 at the time). Halfway through the meal, the 5yo asked, “Why do you guys keep looking at each other like that?” She wasn’t upset about it or anything — just intrigued by the unfamiliar googley-eyed lovey looks we must have been shooting at each other. She’s 11 now, and we still joke about it. –Tawna Fenske, author of Marine for Hire
My mum packed my swimsuit and a towel and dropped me at the swimming pool while we were away on holidays. When I went to get changed I found that I had my Dad’s ‘budgy smugglers’ instead of my swimsuit. (They were also dark green, but totally unwearable!) So, it’s 40+ degrees—more than 100 fahrenheit— and I’m stuck at a pool in a strange town, fully dressed, alone, and without hope of rescue for several hours. It was before mobile phones, so I had to come up with my own solution. Nailed it too! Bought an ice cold can of drink, showered fully dressed, and then walked back to the caravan park with my waist-length hair slowly drip drying. -Robyn Thomas, author of His Unexpected Family
My daughter calling a bearded male relative Stinky Pete. To his face. She was so into Toy Story … – Rachel Lyndhurst, author of The Greek Tycoon’s Tarnished Bride
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