Roxanne Snopek: Creating a Modern Fairytale Romance


Alpha billionaires. Enigmatic playboys. Smokin’ hot bosses… you shouldn’t be attracted to. Just a few of the reasons readers absolutely love the Indulgence line. They’re the ultimate fantasy heroes. We love them so much we’re having a HUGE Indulgence imprint flash sale!

Indulge yourself with modern fairytale romances for only 99¢ each.

Take home a sensual prince, a rugged rancher, or perhaps, a thrill-seeking tycoon… at this price you can afford to have all of your fantasies fulfilled.


Once Upon a Time…

We all grew up with fairy tales: mighty kingdoms, knights on white chargers, princesses trapped in castle-prisons, a poisoned rose, a kiss of life and so on. Danger, secrets, risk, sacrifice but all in the service of that happy ending: truth, justice and of course love.

But I don’t write fairy tales. I’m not remotely related to the Grimms. My capacity for history is maxed out with remembering birthdays and anniversaries. I’ve never maced, lanced or used a magical potion on any of my characters. (I make a wicked sangria in real life, though.)

TMDP_2015_500So imagine my surprise when I was asked to write about the experience of creating my fairytale romance, The Millionaire Daddy Project.

What? Followed immediately by duh.

Of COURSE my story’s a fairy tale! Dane Bergman’s world is his kingdom. And he’s definitely got a prince’s heart – though he doesn’t know it. There’s Dani, the little girl in jeopardy, and Pamela Atwater, who is part white knight, part princess, part nanny, part seductress – though that comes as a surprise to her and Dane!

Everyone in this story needs something that they desperately wish they didn’t. And no one wants what the others have to offer. (Especially Dani, who zeroes in immediately on her new, unwanted father’s Achilles’ heel.)

There’s danger and sacrifice, too, but since this is a contemporary fairy tale the epic battle scenes are more face-to-face and emotional than army-to-army with halitosis and maggots. (FYI, my characters all have excellent oral hygiene and since it’s my fantasy, there is no need for bugs, ever. Period.)

And did I mention that about half of it takes place on a… wait for it… deserted island? With a gorgeous vacation home and a fully-stocked kitchen, of course. Because this fantasy hero isn’t just rich, powerful, hot and sexy… he also cooks.

So… once upon a time… I wrote a Modern Fairytale Romance. The biggest clue, of course is in the ending: the truth comes out, wrongs are righted, people grow into their potential and yes, love conquers all.

I hope you fall headlong into this story and enjoy watching my unlikely hero’s heart crack open as he discovers life and love unimagined.

Happy reading!


PS: I’ve got a fresh jug of sangria. Want a glass?

 Find THE MILLIONAIRE DADDY PROJECT and other Indulgence titles on sale for only 99¢ August 31st – September 6th at your favorite ebook retailer.


Roxanne’s Sangria

1 bottle red wine (Spanish Rioja is best)

2 cups orange juice

1 cup grenadine

1 cup Triple Sec

½ cup brandy

One each: orange, lemon, lime, thinly sliced, peels on (these are for marinating only, not serving)

Combine and let sit refrigerated for 24 hours. To serve, add ice and fresh fruit (berries and sliced peaches are great) to a tall glass. Fill glass one-third (half-full at the most) with sangria mixture. Top with Perrier or grapefruit soda. Enjoy!

Note: I know it’s tempting, but do not drink the sangria mix straight. You’ll be sorry.


coral-shirt-chair-200x300Stories by USA TODAY bestselling author Roxanne Snopek are a bit like her life: dramatic, emotional and messy, with dogs, cats and other creatures usually underfoot. She believes that the best heroes are cowboys in spirit no matter what they wear and wealthy at heart no matter what they drive. She lives in beautiful British Columbia with her hero of many years and whatever kids and pets happen to be around.

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