Behind the Book with Cindy Skaggs

I like broken people. A little twisted, I know, but let me explain.

Perfect fictional people are like an animated classic movie. They endure a trial by fire, their “worst thing,” and earn their happy ending on the other side. It’s the ideal 90-minute movie that sends us home singing happy songs that get stuck in our heads long after the credits fade. Some days, I’m in the mood for that kind of happily ever after (HEA).

But what happens to the characters who aren’t perfect people?

What happens to real people who aren’t perfect people?

Do they deserve a happy after?

Less-than-perfect fictional people start their story with more than one bad thing in their lives. They’re dealing with every danged thing and life is about to get worse. They’re not looking for a HEA, they’re looking to survive. They have more dimensions to their personality, because they’ve had to adapt.

Just like the people I know in real life.

Broken people are the reason behind Untouchable. Sofia is one of those less-than-perfect characters, because I find flaws fascinating.

She trusts no one because she doesn’t know who to trust. She’s as cold as she had to become to shield her son. She’s more uptight than Cameron in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, because relaxing her guard could endanger her son, which is exactly what happens. This is how I decided to open the book: Take one deeply flawed individual who has just experienced her worst thing. What will she do? Odds are, she won’t be singing.

Can a person like that earn a HEA?

Sofia doesn’t think so. Logan disagrees. Which character has a stronger will?

If Sofia and Logan can find a happily ever after, anyone can. Anyone.

Find out more about Untouchable


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