Design the Tattoo from Hide Me!


Do you love tattoos? Do they have special meanings to you? Have you always wanted the chance to design one? Well we have the perfect contest for you! In Hide Me, the first book in the upcoming amazing Silver Strand series, the heroine, Whit is a tattoo artist. She gives the hero a tattoo that says “This is part of me now” and we’d love for you to design it! We’ll chose a winner and create temporary tattoos from your design!

We can’t wait to see what you come up with! Email with your entry and good luck!




About Hide Me:

Sometimes it’s easier to run…

Ripped apart by guilt and grief, nineteen-year-old Whit Conrad grabs her stuff, runs from her super-conservative family in Pennsylvania, and hauls ass for sunny California. All she wants is escape. But what she gets is a craptastic apartment, a job at a tattoo parlour, and a life that’s not her own. Then she meets a sexy, inked surfer who has the potential to capsize everything…

Deo Beckett is adrift. Underemployed and spending his time partying too hard, he knows he should be doing something more with his life. Being something more. All it takes is a pin-up hottie with a smart mouth—and a bruised soul—to force Deo to start looking below the surface. To wonder if there’s more to life than being a beach bum. Now he’s falling for Whit…hard.

But Whit has secrets, and she’ll go to any lengths to keep Deo from discovering her past…

Previously released under the title Lengths August 2012, and has been enhanced with new material.

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