#ThrowbackThursday: First Love

Throwback Thursday: First Love by Brooklyn Skye





I have to admit, when I set out to write FRAGILE LINE, a YA psychological thriller, romance was definitely the last thing on my mind. A sixteen-year-old girl having blackouts, waking up in unknown places, finding writing and even tattoos on her body… Yeah, no room for love, right?

Man, was I wrong. Because as the story emerged, so did Ellie’s love for Shane, her running partner. The guy who whispered in her ear between classes. The guy who believed her when no one else would. And the guy who never gave up on her, who fought for her.

A first love is one of those things that is difficult to put into words. It’s the clenching of your gut when he is near, and when he’s not. It’s the pressure in your chest—the feeling like you might explode and implode all at the same time, just from a simple kiss. I’m not talking the puppy dog, crush kind of love. This kind of love is deep, penetrating, and…forever.

I was a few years older than Ellie when I met my true love. We went to high school together, but never once talked. We both grew up in the same small town, but in nineteen years never once stood in the same room. And then, during spring break, three hundred miles away from home, we both ended up on the same houseboat in Lake Havasu, Arizona.

For three whole days we talked, and danced, and maybe kissed (a lot), and then at the end of our trip we both went home…no numbers exchanged. Did I like him? Yes. But in that moment, at nineteen years old, I guess I thought of him as only a spring break fling.

For a few weeks I went about my life: friends, parties, college classes, work, but couldn’t seem to get this guy off my mind. My at-the-time ex-boyfriend couldn’t even do it! And then one day, I get a number on my pager (omigosh, that totally dates me). It was him. Turns out, he ran into my twin sister, she gave him my number, and we’ve been inseparable ever since.

This is the intense kind of love Shane and Ellie have in FRAGILE LINE—a knowing that no matter what happens, nothing will come between them. A relationship that is profounder than just stolen kisses and late night talks on the phone. It is bone deep and un-erasable.

This month, my husband and I will have been together for fifteen years. He is the father of my two children and more importantly my best friend.










mnBrooklyn Skye grew up in a small town where she quickly realized writing was an escape from small town life. Really, she’s just your average awkward girl who’s obsessed with words. She writes young adult and new adult fiction. You can follow her on Twitter as @brooklyn__skye or visit her web site for updates, teasers, giveaways, and more. www.brooklyn-skye.com





Check out an excerpt from Fragile Line on our Facebook page.





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