#TwitterLove Week of 4/11/2014

Happy Friday! We had a blast this week. Here are some of our favorite moments shared with our amazing authors and fabulous readers:


We asked what forgotten trends you want to see make a comeback. Some of the choices are overdue for a comeback, but others…well, we’ll let you decide.

fads1 fads2


Then…THIS happened:



And in case you missed it, Heather Howland was sharing some special Entangled love this week. Be on the lookout for her flash giveaways like this one:

give2 giveaway


We were feeling a bit loving this week. You know, the sweet kind of love. So we asked about your first crush. Some were left heartbroken, but we discovered a few heartbreakers too. And then there were those that really knew how to reach for the stars:

firstcrush4 firstcrush3 firstcrush2 firstcrush



The #TeamJess vs. #TeamLogan debate continued. Help us Gilmore Girls fans, who was Rory’s epic love?



We were a bit worried, but Ophelia London came through and provided our Pacey Tweet of the Week:



That’s all for now. But stay tuned next week and join us on Twitter for more fun, romance, and Happily Ever Afters! #TGIF and spread some #TwitterLove this week!



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