Entangled Teen Book Boyfriend March Madness!

March Madness #Book Boyfriend Teen Tournament

Happy March everyone!  Is everyone having fun yet?  You may have seen our big sis, Bliss, is hosting a March Madness tournament for the Men of Bliss but we have decided to have our own March Madness tournament… with the book boyfriends from the Teen line! Get ready to watch your favorite book boyfriends go head to head and see who will prevail it through all five rounds to be crowned the king of all book boyfriends!

But first we need YOUR help! It is up to you to make sure your favorite book boyfriend gets nominated and entered into the tournament! Only the top 24 will be entered to the tournament + 4 heroes that have a BYE in round 1.  So tell all of your friends to fill out this simple form to nominate their favorites!

The four titles that will receive a BYE into round 2 will be our four new March releases (You can still sign up to champion these heroes though!):

Searching for Beautiful by Nyrae Dawn

Til Death by Kate Evangelista

Knight Assassin by Rima Jean

Donna of the Dead by Alison Kemper

In case you can’t recall all of the book boyfriends we have to offer, here is the link to the Teen webpage with all of our books to jog your memory!

Nominations will be open until March 7

The Tourney will kick off March 11!

Entangled March Madness

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