Ink is Thicker than Water by Amy Spalding blog tour

Hey everyone! We are totally stoked to announce the hosts and schedule for Amy Spalding’s INK IS THICKER THAN WATER which releases on December 3rd and is hosted by Rockstar Book Tours!

The tour runs for two weeks – November 25th-29th and December 2nd-6th – has one stop per day, and consists of mostly reviews and an interview.

There will also be a tour-wide giveaway for two paperbacks of the INK IS THICKER THAN WATER. So be sure to stop by to check it out.

The Tour Hosts

Week One

11/25/2013- The Bookmark BlogReview
11/26/2013- Donnie Darko GirlReview
11/27/2013- Reading the Best of the
11/28/2013- She Dreams in FictionReview
11/29/2013- My Reading RoomInterview & Review


Week Two

12/2/2013- YA Story TellerReview
12/3/2013- LeAnn’s Book Reviews Review
12/4/2013- Bookish Things & MoreReview
12/5/2013- Bookworm1858Review
12/6/2013- TheIrish Banana ReviewReview

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About the Book

Title: INK IS THICKER THAN WATERAuthor: Amy SpaldingPub. Date: December 3, 2013

Publisher: Entangled Teen

Pages: 320

Find it: Goodreads/Amazon/Barnes & Noble

For Kellie Brooks, family has always been a tough word to define. Combine her hippie mom and tattooist stepdad, her adopted overachieving sister, her younger half brother, and her tough-love dad, and average Kellie’s the one stuck in the middle, overlooked and impermanent. When Kellie’s sister finally meets her birth mother and her best friend starts hanging with a cooler crowd, the feeling only grows stronger.

But then she reconnects with Oliver, the sweet and sensitive college guy she had a near hookup with last year. Oliver is intense and attractive, and she’s sure he’s totally out of her league. But as she discovers that maybe intensity isn’t always a good thing, it’s yet another relationship she feels is spiraling out of her control.

It’ll take a new role on the school newspaper and a new job at her mom’s tattoo shop for Kellie to realize that defining herself both outside and within her family is what can finally allow her to feel permanent, just like a tattoo.

About Author

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