Bliss Kiss and Tell with Red LeClair from Saving the Sheriff by Roxanne Snopek

Bliss Kiss and Tell

Welcome to the Bliss Kiss and Tell Booth where you will get to meet the heroes from our Bliss books and get a taste of what kissing them is like.

Today we are welcoming Red LeClair from the novella Saving the Sheriff. It can be found in the Stranded with a Hero anthology on sale now!

Stranded with a Hero by Karen Erickson, Coleen Kwan, Cindi Madsen, Roxanne Snopek

Name: Red LeClair

Height: 6′ 0″

Eyes: Brown (although Frankie calls them “whisky-colored”). I don’t know what she’s talking about. Women, right?

Hair: Brown

Profession: Sheriff of Lutherton, Montana. Nice, quiet place, almost no crime, nothing to interrupt my peace-of-mind. Then Frankie came along.

Favorite kind of music: Kinda off music right now, thanks for asking. But Frankie’s convincing me to crack my mind open to it again.

Special skill(s): I make the best campfire coffee you’ll ever taste!

Favorite dessert: Cupcakes!

Favorite movie of all time: Minority Report. (Don’t tell Frankie, but I agree with her that Love, Actually is better!)

Boxers or briefs? Boxers. But in winter – especially in a power outage! – I rock a pair of long johns like you would not believe.

Early bird or night owl? We protector types are up whenever duty calls.

If you had to describe yourself as an ice cream flavor, what flavor would you be? Oh, I’m rum-and-raisin. (Goes with the whisky-colored eyes, I guess.) Okay, maybe I’m not to everyone’s taste, but Frankie loves me and that’s all I care about.

We are huge fans of the whiskey eyes!  Thanks for joining us Red.

Roxanne Snopek did an amazing job bringing Red to life. Take a look at how she pictures him!

Red LeClair - Josh Duhamel

Imagine gazing into Red’s whiskey colored eyes and leaning in for that kiss…

“Hop on,” said Red, gesturing to the tractor.
Frankie looked at the small seat behind the steering wheel. “Forget it. I’m not driving that thing.”
He laughed. “Damn straight you’re not. But you’re not walking down alone. And since there’s no passenger seat you’re riding with me.” He climbed up, straddled the seat and slapped his thigh. “When we first met, you were an elf driving a load of Christmas reindeer in a stolen truck, on unfamiliar roads, during a blizzard. You’re trying to say this is beyond your comfort zone?”
She colored but her lips twitched. “Ignorance is bliss, Sheriff. I’m wiser now. Happy?”
She clambered up over the frigid steel and slid between his legs, barely perching on the molded metal seat. He put one arm around her and pulled her closer, settling them for what would be a bumpy ride. She clutched his leg to brace herself.
Oh yeah, he was happy.
He laughed again and pulled her tight. He was laughing a lot these days, he realized.
“We don’t exactly fit,” she muttered, squirming against him.
His grin faded. He swallowed. Hard. If he got any happier, he’d have trouble driving. “We fit just fine.”
We fit perfectly.
The thought surprised him but he realized it was true. Not only did they fit, but in the brief time he’d known Frankie, her energy, her optimism and determination had breathed life into the cold, dead ashes inside him, warming a spark he’d forgotten was there.
He tightened his legs around her.
She turned her head and the movement brought their lips close enough to touch.
“Ready,” she answered.
Before he could think, he took the risk and made it happen, one quick soft touch, lingering just long enough to warm him through and through. Frankie caught her breath, but she didn’t pull away or turn her head, not until he released her.

Want to read more? Pick up your copy of Stranded with a Hero today!

Book description:
Getting snowed in never felt so good as boundaries are crossed, opposites attract, and friends discovering more promise a Christmas no one will ever forget.
Loving Mindy by Karen Erickson
Mindy can’t believe she’s stuck with her ex–best friend—and the man whose heart she broke years ago—for the holidays, though the tension between them is more than enough to keep them warm. Josh Powers never forgot Mindy, but he can’t risk his heart a second time.
White-Hot Holiday by Coleen Kwan
Naomi’s sworn off men like Aaron—rich, cocky, and dismissive of holiday traditions. Aaron decided to spend Christmas in sunny Australia to avoid snowy New York, not to fall for the woman his best friend warned him away from. But when a volcano grounds him, Aaron and Naomi’s relationship becomes eruptive.
An Officer and a Rebel by Cindi Madsen
The last person police officer Nate Walsh expected to discover in a snowstorm is his brother’s ex and former town rebel, Kelsey Cooper. She’s his complete opposite and totally off-limits, but as they wait out the storm together, all he can think is how he wishes she’d stay forever.
Saving the Sheriff by Roxanne Snopek
Frankie Sylva was determined to free the reindeer cruelly held for a holiday roadshow, even if it meant risking her own life. Deputy Sheriff Red LeClair set out to save a stranger in a snowstorm, never expecting he’d be the one to be rescued.


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