Blog Tour – Undying Embrace

Undying Embrace - Jessica Lee -  Banner

Undying Embrace by  Jessica Lee is now available! Follow Jessica on her blog tour for fun interviews, guest posts, reviews, and giveaways!


About Undying Embrace:


Arran MacLain is a vampire on a suicide mission, driven to kill his former partner who betrayed him and the Enclave they served. But two things stand in his way: Gabrielle, the human female who holds his heart, and the past that won’t let him go. If only death was enough to cleanse his soul.

Gabrielle Steven’s sister is missing. Her hunt for clues brings her face to face with the one vampire she can’t forget. Their missions combine and thrust them into the heart of evil. Will their passion be enough to overcome the pain from their past, or will their dark desires destroy them both?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About Author

2 Replies on Blog Tour – Undying Embrace

  • I love vampires, they are my favorite paranormal character and vamp novels are my favorite books. I am super excited to read this series 🙂
    Thanks for the giveaway!

    Crystal Guidroz

  • Vampires are my favorite reading material and I’m looking forward to this series! Thank you for the giveaway!!

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