Help Entangled Win a Superbowl Commercial Spot!



Wouldn’t it be cool if Entangled had a commercial during the Superbowl?

We think so, and so we’ve entered a competition sponsored by Intuit Small Business.  Here’s the lowdown.  There are several rounds of competition, and in order to progress to the second round, we need votes.  Lots and lots of votes.  You can vote daily…so please do!

And help us by spreading the word.  We believe we embody the American Dream.  We had a vision of what a publisher could be and what they could do, we set out on a mission, and we have achieved more than we ever imagined we could have in just 2 1/2 short years. Your votes will help show others how Entangled is making a difference, one story at a time.


VOTE for Entangle HERE!


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