The Fallen Prince by Shea Berkley Blog Tour



The Fallen Prince, book two in The Keepers of Life series is out now from Entangled Teen! Follow the blog tour for some exclusive excerpts and to find out what others have to say about the book!


June 10 – Fantasy Book Addict

June 10 – Books are my Life

June 11 – You Gotta Read Reviews

June 11 –

June 12 – Novels on the Run

June 13 – Sizzling Hot Books

June 14 – Fade Into Fantasy

June 17 – Words in Sync

June 18 – Reader Girls

June 19 – My Library in the Making

June 20 – Romance Junkies

June 21 – Urban Fantasy Investigations

June 24 – Bookworm Lisa

June 25 – The Hardcover Obsession

June 26 – A Little Bit of R&R

June 27 – Notes From a Romantics Heart 

June 28 – The Cover Contessa


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The Fallen Prince

by Shea Berkley

Dylan finally feels like he has it all. He’s back home in the human realm with his beautiful girlfriend, loving grandparents, and some crazy powers over the elements. But Dylan’s temper is climbing out of control, and along with the bursts of rage come new powers he wasn’t expecting.

Kera has these new powers, too. She’s seen them before and knows what they can do if kept unchecked…and it’s not pretty. Plus, going back to her home realm, Teag, would hasten the process. Kera is determined to keep her one true love, Dylan, safe on Earth, but when the barrier between the human realm and Teag weakens, allowing monster-like creatures to pass over, Kera becomes desperate to protect her home.

When Kera is kidnapped and imprisoned in a corner of her world that no one has ever escaped from alive, can Dylan overcome his unbridled powers—and himself—to save her?





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