Real Men Don’t Quit Blog Tour & Giveaway

Serial bachelor. Celebrity author. Her perfect forever?

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The Real Men Don’t Quit blog tour kicks off tomorrow and trust us, you don’t want to miss this one! Coleen Kwan will be touring the blogosphere with interviews, guest posts, and giveaways!

Follow the tour and find out what happens when a fiery artist falls for the brooding author next door!


Official Tour Stops


April 24 – Romance Reader at Heart

April 26 – Caribbean Accent

April 29 – Read Your Writes

May 1 – Ex Libris

May 7 – The Smutty Kitty

May 10 – As the Pages Turn



When famous author Luke Maguire decides to write his next novel in the small town of Burronga, Australia, he’s sure he can ignore the fiery redhead next door. Not only has he just been burned from a high-profile breakup, but he’s never been one to set down roots. No, he’ll finish his novel and leave Burronga. And soon.

Tyler Jones just wants to run her business with her best friend, Ally, and take care of her three-year-old daughter, Chloe. She’s never needed help from anyone, especially not a man, and the brooding, rugged writer next door can’t tempt her. Not in the least.

Only Tyler and Luke can’t stay away from each other. So they set rules. No staying overnight, no future plans, no sappy good-byes when Luke inevitably quits town. But the chemistry between them is too strong to contain in a rulebook. Are Luke and Tyler ready to risk their lives of independence for something more?

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